Caspases,Paracaspases, and Metacaspases Methods and Protocols

(Wang) #1

4 Notes

  1. P1 refers to the residue situated N-terminus to the scissile
    bond cleaved by the protease extending towards the
    N-terminus (positions P2, P3, etc.) of the peptide, whereas
    prime positions (P1′, P2′, etc.) are situated C-terminus to the
    cleaved bond [ 22 ].

  2. We have only used the TNT ® Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate so
    far, but the TNT ® Wheat Germ Lysate should be equivalent.
    We routinely use the pDEST (Gateway ® , Invitrogen) vectors
    and pUNI51 vectors (SSP consortium). Any vector with the
    minimal requirements of a T3 or T7 promoter and terminator
    should in theory be suitable.

  3. At this concentration DTT effectively prevents oxidation of
    metacaspase cysteins and also prevents formation of intra- and
    intermolecular disulfi de bonds, thus inhibiting aggregation of
    the protein. Metacaspase structure can be additionally stabi-
    lized in the presence of 50 mM CaCl 2 , but it might also lead
    to increased autoprocessing.

  4. To prevent aggregation of the protein it is preferable to per-
    form dialysis at 4 °C gradually decreasing the concentration of
    urea in the dialysis buffer and increasing its volume.

  5. Metacaspases are highly active proteases, thus already 3 ng of
    purifi ed metacaspase is enough to produce detectable amount of
    cleaved fl uorescent product in activity assay using AMC- tagged
    substrates. Still the exact amount of metacaspase required for
    the assay might vary depending on purity of the preparation.

  6. Even minute contamination with calcium will signifi cantly
    infl uence results of the experiment. An inactive mutant meta-
    caspase with substitution of Cys and/or His in the active cen-
    ter to Ala or Gly can be used as an alternative negative control
    in this assay. It is also known that autoprocessing of metacas-
    pases is essential for their proteolytic activity; thus uncleavable
    mutant of metacaspase can be used as another negative control
    in the activity assay.

  7. This stripping method works for PVDF membranes and usu-
    ally allows to effi ciently strip only secondary antibodies. It is
    therefore preferable to use for second round of staining pri-
    mary antibody produced in a different organism than antibody
    used at the fi rst staining.

  8. Avoid uneven destaining, which might impact loading quanti-
    fi cation. If necessary the membrane can be re-stained. Let it
    dry in vertical position.

  9. Depending on tissue or treatment, expression pattern in the
    sample can vary signifi cantly. Take this into consideration
    while selecting bands for loading quantifi cation to compare
    between samples.

Plant Metacaspases
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