Revival: Biological Effects of Low Level Exposures to Chemical and Radiation (1992)

(Barry) #1

Survival times, 19

T-cells, 96, 97, 98, 101, 103, 104, 105,
106, 107
TDLs. See Thoracic duct lymphocytes
Teratogenic agents, 46, 47. See also
specific types
Teratogens, 46
Thermodynamics, 2, 5
Thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDLs),
Threshold dose, 59, 84-85
Thymidine, 72
Thymus-derived cells. See T-cells
Tissue defense mechanisms, 59
Tissue healing, 59, 61, 84
Tissue repair, 60
cellular proliferation and, 81
mechanism of, 82
stimulation of, 67-74
early-phase, 73-79
Toxicity, 1,4, 13, 14, 17, 28, 60. See
also specific types
of chloroform, 62
defined, 5
DNA repair and, 53-56
dosage and, 59
elimination of, 16
first-order rate constant for, 7
of halomethane. See Halomethane
hypotheses on, 5-6
model of, 24
senescence vs., 5
threshold for, 84-85
two-stage model of, 79-84
Transaminases, 71, 72

Translocations, 114
Two-stage models, 142
Two-by-two tables, 120-125

Ubiquitin, 46, 47
Ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, 45, 46
Ubiquitin-histone conjugants, 45
Ultraviolet radiation, 41, 44, 45, 46,
54, 55
Ultraviolet spectrum of proteins, 45
Unsaturated fats, 6
U-shaped dose-response curves
qualitative risk-benefit evaluation
and, 119-137
meta-analysis and, 134-137
SRs of, 125-134
two-by-two tables and, 120-125
quantitative models of, 137-142
Uterogestation, 12

Valproic acid, 47
Verapamil, 47
Vertical allometry, 11
Viruses, 46, 114, 115. See also specific
Vitamin A, 63
Vitamin E, 9
Vitamins, 8. See also specific types
Volterra-type competitive exclusion, 5
Vulnerability parameter, 9

Wear-and-tear theory of aging, 2
Weibull function, 7
Weight gain suppression, 4
Weight reduction, 9

X-rays, 15, 29-30, 45, 54
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