Mockingbird Song

(avery) #1

. Quotation (‘‘strip-mined’’) in Brown,Wild East, ; for the wild boars’ story, see
, , –, .
. Larry Anderson,Benton MacKaye: Conservationist, Planner, and Creator of the
Appalachian Trail(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, ); Paul S. Sutter,
Driven Wild: How the Fight against Automobiles Launched the Modern Wilderness Move-
ment(Seattle: University of Washington Press, ), esp. chap.  on MacKaye and the
Appalachian Trail.

 
. Don Graham,No Name on the Bullet: A Biography of Audie Murphy(New York:
Viking, ), . Murphy’s father’s desertion was devastating, but it did not occur until
. See ibid., –, on Murphy’s first eighteen years; –, on his army service;
quotation on Murphy’s lack of religion, . Murphy treated his boyhood only briefly in
To Hell and Back(; rpt., Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, ), –; Murphy
quoted on killing the Italians, –.
. David D. Lee,Sergeant York, an American Hero(Lexington: University Press of Ken-
tucky, ),  (York quotation), – (background and early life), – (war service
and hero status).
. On southern out-migration, see Jack Temple Kirby,Rural Worlds Lost: The Ameri-
can South, –(Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, ), –.
More specifically on ‘‘Okies’’ and ‘‘Texies,’’ see James N. Gregory,American Exodus:
The Dust Bowl Migration and Okie Culture in California(New York: Oxford University
Press, ). On upland southerners, see Chad Berry,Southern Migrants, Northern Exiles
(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, ).
. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings,The Yearling(New York: Scribner, ). On the ethics
and rituals of elite sportsmen, see John F. Reiger,American Sportsmen and the Origins
of Conservation(; rd rev. ed., Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, ). On
hunting narratives in the South, see Stuart A. Marks,Southern Hunting in Black and
White: Nature, History, and Ritual in a Carolina Community(Princeton: Princeton Uni-
versity Press, ).
. Grady McWhiney,Cracker Culture: Celtic Ways in the Old South(Tuscaloosa: Uni-
versity of Alabama Press, ), –. On Harry Crews, one should begin withA Child-
hood: The Biography of a Place(New York: Harper and Row, ). For cockfighting, see
Kirby,Rural Worlds Lost, –, –, and Alex Haley,Roots(New York: Doubleday,
 ).
. A. B. Longstreet,Georgia Scenes(; New York: Sagamore Press, ), –
(‘‘The Gander Pulling’’),  (on the setting),  (on the climax).
. See (on slaughter, extinctions, and market hunting, this paragraph and below)
Nicolas W. Proctor,Bathed in Blood: Hunting and Mastery in the Old South(Charlottes-
ville: University Press of Virginia, ); Marks,Southern Hunting in Black and White,
esp. , ; Reiger,American Sportsmen, –; Mikko Saikku, ‘‘The Extinction of the

    –
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