Mockingbird Song

(avery) #1

. On the spirit and definitions of early conservation, see (among many other
sources) Char Miller’s recent biography,Gifford Pinchot and the Making of Modern Envi-
ronmentalism(Washington, D.C.: Island Press, ), esp. pt. . On the criminalization
of firing forests and the concurrent final closing of the range in North Carolina, see
Thompson, ‘‘High on the Hog,’’ esp. –.
. Forest arson was my subject in Kirby,The Countercultural South(Athens: Uni-
versity of Georgia Press, ), –, – (Shea quotation, ; Camp quotation, ).
On the larger context of a southern woods-firing tradition, one is referred to Stephen J.
Pyne’s classic,Fire in America: A Cultural History of Wildland and Rural Fire(Princeton:
Princeton University Press, ), –, –.
. Bertrand and Baird (above) quoted in Kirby,Countercultural South,–.On
the scale and scope of moonshining in the South, see Jack Temple Kirby,Rural Worlds
Lost: The American South, –(Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press,
), –.
. Kathy Mason, ‘‘North Dakota’s Accidental National Park’’ (paper, American So-
ciety for Environmental History,  March , Providence, R.I.). See also Mason’s
dissertation, ‘‘National Parks before the Park Service’’ (Miami University, ).
. On Muir and nature language, see Robert L. Dorman,A Word for Nature: Four
Pioneering Environmental Advocates, –(Chapel Hill: University of North Caro-
lina Press, ), –. On Smuts, see Peder Anker,Imperial Ecology: Environmental
Order in the British Empire, –(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, ), –
. Lyrics to ‘‘Bruca Manigua’’ in liner notes to Ry Cooder, prod.,Ibrahim Ferrer(None-
such Records/Warner Music Group Company, ).
. On early southern Appalachia, see Margaret Lynn Brown,The Wild East: A Biog-
raphy of the Great Smoky Mountains(Gainesville: University Press of Florida, ), esp.
– (Cherokee myth, ), and Donald Edward Davis,WhereThere Are Mountains: An En-
vironmental History of the Southern Appalachians(Athens: University of Georgia Press,
), chaps. –.
. Hear T Bone Burnett, prod.,O Brother, Where Art Thou?—Music from a Film by
Joel Coen & Ethan Coen(Mercury, ).
. Timothy Silver,Mount Mitchell and the Black Mountains: An Environmental His-
tory of the Highest Peaks in Eastern America(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Press, ), esp. chaps. –.
. For the Smokies narrative here, I rely principally on Brown,Wild East(e.g., 
communities, ; lumber estimates, ). But see also Daniel S. Pierce,The Great
Smokies: From Natural Habitat to National Park(Knoxville: University of Tennessee
Press, ), and Davis,Where There Are Mountains, chap. . One might also reflect on
Christopher Camuto’s dense and ruminativeAnother Country: Journeying toward the
Cherokee Mountains(Athens: University of Georgia Press, ). On s TVA dams
and community removals, see Michael J. McDonald and John Muldowny,TVA and the
Dispossessed: The Resettlement of Population in the Norris Dam Area(Knoxville: Univer-
sity of Tennessee Press, ).

   – 
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