Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 107

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Preface xi^

advances in risk-factor association, diagnosis and management of congenital
upper limb anomalies.
Chapter 9 - Exfoliation syndrome (XFS) is a genetically determined
systemic condition characterized by the production and accumulation of an
abnormal protein, the exfoliative material. Though XFS is a systemic elastosis,
the most significant clinical consequences occur in the eye (nuclear cataract
formation, Zinn’s zonule fragility, increased risk for cataract surgery
complications and exfoliative glaucoma XFG). XFG is the most common
type of secondary open-angle glaucoma, and is characterized by elevated
intraocular pressure with high fluctuation, and rapid progression. XFG is
typically a disease of the elderly. In many cases XFG starts as a clinically
unilateral disease in eyes with XFS. This chapter summarizes the current
knowledge on genetics, environmental factors, clinical characteristics,
medical, laser and surgical treatment options. It also addresses the significance
of systemic vascular diseases associated with XFS and XFG, and the need for
consultation between the ophthalmologist and cardiologist or general
practitioner during long-term management of the disease.

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