Self And The Phenomenon Of Life: A Biologist Examines Life From Molecules To Humanity

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 371

“9x6” b2726 Self and the Phenomenon of Life: A Biologist Examines Life from Molecules to Humanity

major histocompatibility complex
(MHC), 119–121
Margenau, H., 330n
Margulis, L., 293n
materialism, eliminative, 303
Mayr, E., 77n
meaning, 325, 326f
Medawar, P.B., 110, 121
medulla, 141, 142f, 340
mega-self, 258
Mele, A.R., 254n
memory, associative, 213t, 214, 217,
221, 224
memory, declarative, 211, 213t
memory, episodic, 211, 213t
memory, explicit, 211, 213t
memory, implicit, 211, 213t
memory, invertebrates, 219–224
memory, non-associative, 211, 213t,
214, 217, 222, 224
memory, procedural, 213t, 219
memory, semantic, 211, 213t
memory, vertebrates, 224–229
meteorites, in origin of life, 35t
microglia, 135
midbrain, 141, 142f, 143, 340
Mill, J.S., 281
Miller, S.L., 37, 56
Milner, B., 232n
mind, theory of, 164
mirror neurons, 272, 273, 345
mirror test, 164, 165
molecular evolution, 61
monoamine oxidase, 194
Monod, J., 58
montmorillonite, 40, 48
mood, what is, 181
moral code, foundations of, 280–282
morality, definition of, 282, 283
Morowitz, H.J., 49
Morris water maze, 218, 348

Moser, E.I., 234n
Moser, M.B., 234n
motivation center, 189f, 193, 194f, 219
motivation versus reward, 190
Murchison meteorite, 35
mutualism, 259
mycorrhizae, 101–103

Nagel, T., 303
Nanjing massacre, 289
Nanking, rape of, 289, 291
neurogenesis, adult, and memory, 228
neurogenesis, adult, in dentate
gyrus, 228
neuromodulators, 135, 160n
neuronal workspace model, 172
neurons, 128–135
neurotransmitters, 134, 135, 337f
neutral monism, 314n
neutrophils, 113–115, 117, 274
Newton, I., 231, 322, 318
nitric oxide, 134, 337f
NMDA receptor, 225, 226f
noradrenaline (see norepinephrine)
norepinephrine, 134t, 170t, 185f,
194f, 337f
nucleobases, 19, 20, 21f
nucleoside, 19, 20, 21f
nucleotide, 19, 20, 21f
nucleus accumbens, 188, 189f, 339
nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS),
193, 340

O’Keefe, J., 225
occipital lobe, 142f, 339
Olds, J., 186,188
oligodendroglia, 135
ontology, 309, 314n
orbitofrontal cortex, 191
orexin, 170, 174, 176
Orgel, L.E., 58

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