Self And The Phenomenon Of Life: A Biologist Examines Life From Molecules To Humanity

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 373

“9x6” b2726 Self and the Phenomenon of Life: A Biologist Examines Life from Molecules to Humanity

replicator, 4, 5, 63
response, conditioned, 217
response, unconditioned, 217
resveratrol, 103
reticular activating system, 173f, 340
reward center, 186, 189f, 190, 193,
201, 219
rhizobacteria, 101
Ribo-nucleoprotein World, 46
ribocyte, 45
ribosome, 20f, 22, 23f
ribozyme, 39
Rizzolatti, G., 296n
RNA interference, 64, 104, 116, 359,
RNA silencing, 104
RNA World, 39, 41, 45, 46, 49, 55
RNA, messenger (mRNA), 22, 23f
RNA, transfer (tRNA), 22, 23f
robots, 308
Rousseau, J.-J., 297n
Russell, B., 66, 243, 301, 323
Rwandan massacre, 288

Saladino, R., 73n
Salicylic acid, 104
Sally-Anne test, 165–166
Sartre, J.P., 253n
Schrödinger, E., 7, 31, 322
Searle, J.R., 303
selection, group, 65, 257, 266, 278,
288, 291, 292
selection, kin, 65, 266, 278, 288
selection, multilevel, 65, 266, 278
self, as driving force of evolution, 63
self, as unit of natural selection, 65
self, cosmic, 315, 325
self, definition of, 2
self, microbial, 79
self, molecular, 109

self, neurobehavioral, 127
self, plant, 93
self, robotic, 308, 309
selfish gene, 4, 63
sensitization (memory), 213,
sensory evoked potential, 171
serotonin, 134t, 170t, 174, 193, 194f,
221, 269, 337f
sham rage, 195
Sherrington, C., 91, 192, 220, 300
Singer, T., 272
Skinner, B.F., 213, 218
slime molds, 87–89, 261
Smolin, L., 332n
social glue, 267
solipsism, 306
Sperry, R.W., 145, 155
Spiegelman, S., 61, 62
spinal cord, 140, 141, 144, 185f, 340
Spinoza, B., 324
split-brain, 155, 156
statistical mechanics, 244
steady state, 31, 69n, 360
stentor, 85–87
stimulus, conditioned, 217
stimulus, unconditioned, 217
stream of consciousness, 167, 317
strong artificial intelligence, 308,
superorganism, 8n, 293n
supervenience, 304
Susskind, L., 331n
Sutherland, J.D., 42, 49, 71n
Suzuki, D.T., 334n
symbiosis, 259
sympathetic nervous system 184
synapse, 130–132
synaptic cleft, 130–133
synaptic theory of learning, 220

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