Human Physiology, 14th edition (2016)

(Tina Sui) #1
I-4 Index

Band cells, 408–409
Banking, of umbilical cord blood, 746
Banting, Frederick, 5t
Barbiturates, 61, 232
Bariatric surgeries, 625
Barometers, 547
Baroreceptor reflex, 477–478f, 477–479
Baroreceptors, 452
Barr body, 704, 704f
Barrett’s esophagus, 624, 627
air-blood, 533–534
blood-brain, 171
blood-testis, 716
Basal body, 55–56
Basal cell carcinoma, 76
Basal ganglia. See Basal nuclei
Basal lamina. See Basement membranes
Basal metabolic rate (BMR), 342, 662–663, 674
Basal nuclei, 193, 215–216, 215f, 391
Basal stem cells, 276
Basement membranes, 14–15, 132
Bases (pH), 29–30, 29t
Base triplets, 68, 68t, 69 f
Basic (alkaline) solutions, 29, 30
Basilar membrane, 285–286, 286f
Basolateral surface, of epithelial cells, 149
Basophils, 408
Bayliss, William, 645
B-cell-stimulating factor, 508
BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), 170
Behring, Emil Adolf von, 5–6, 497
Belladonna. See Atropine
Benadryl, 232
Bends (decompression sickness), 553
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 719
Benign tumors, 518
Benzene, 31, 31f
Benzodiazepines, 196, 229, 232
Beriberi, 666
Bernard, Claude, 5
Best, Charles, 5t
Beta agonists, 255
Beta blockers, 255, 426
Beta-carotene, 438, 666
Beta cells, 345–346, 346f, 677, 678, 681–685
Beta chains, 559
Beta globulins, 407
Beta interferons, 497
Beta pleated sheet, of proteins, 43
Beta thalassemia, 564
Beta waves, 214, 214f
Bevacizumab (Avastin), 435, 518
Bias, in scientific research, 3
as buffer of blood, 30, 568
effect on blood pH, 567, 567f
normal range in blood, 6t
reabsorption of, 609–610
Biceps brachii muscle, 375
Bicuspid (mitral) valve, 419
Bile, 15, 638–639, 638t, 639–640f, 650
Bile acids, 39, 639, 640f
Bile canaliculi, 637–638
Bile ducts, 622f, 637–638, 641, 642f
Bile ductule, 637f
Bile salts, 639
Bilirubin (bile pigment), 564, 638–639, 639f, 641
Bioenergetics, 97–101
Biofeedback techniques, 261

Auscultatory chest positions, 420
Auscultatory method of measuring blood pressure,
479, 481f
Autism spectrum disorder, 212
Autoantibodies, 517, 521
Autocrine regulators, 349–352, 350t
Autoimmune diseases, 521–522, 522t
Autologous transplants, 411
Automaticity, 425
Autonomic dysreflexia, 260
Autonomic ganglion, 244
Autonomic motor neurons, 164t, 165
Autonomic nervous system (ANS), 243–263
adrenergic and cholinergic synaptic transmission,
251–252, 252–253f
cardiac rate and, 452, 452t
comparison with somatic system, 244, 245t
control by higher brain centers, 260–261, 261t
divisions of, 246–249f, 246–251, 248–250t
dual innervation in, 258–260, 259t
functions of, 251–261
neural control of involuntary effectors,
244–245, 244f
regulation of, 226–227
responses to adrenergic and cholinergic stimulation,
252–256, 254t, 255 f, 256–257t, 257 f
Autophagosomes, 58
Autophagy, 58
Autophosphorylation, 330
Autoreactive T lymphocytes, 517–518, 521
Autoregulation of blood flow, 467–468, 473
Autosomal chromosomes, 79, 703
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
(ADPKD), 586
Avandia (rosiglitazone), 684
Avastin (bevacizumab), 435, 518
Averted vision, 304
AV node blocks, 256, 441–442, 442f
Avogadro’s number, 138
AVP (arginine vasopressin), 333, 596
Axel, Richard, 5t
hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad, 336, 336f
hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid, 336, 336f
pituitary-adrenal, 337
pituitary-gonad, 336, 336f
pituitary-ovarian, 727
Axoaxonic synapses, 180
Axodendritic synapses, 180
Axonal transport, 164–165
Axon collaterals, 164
Axoneme, 717–718
Axon hillock, 164
Axon initial segments, 183
action potentials of, 174–178, 175–178f
electrical activity in, 172–179f, 172–180
ion gating in, 173–174, 173f
myelinated, 167–168, 168f, 179–180, 179f
regeneration of, 169, 169f
structure and function of, 12, 163–164f, 164–165
unmyelinated, 167, 168, 168f, 178 f, 179
Axosomatic synapses, 180

Babinski’s reflex, 235, 391t
Bacteria, in large intestine, 634
Balloon angioplasties, 469

pulmonary, 551–552
in skeletal muscle, 470
vasoconstriction of, 432–433, 464–465
vasodilation of, 432–433, 464–465
Arteriosclerosis. See Atherosclerosis
Arteriovenous anastomoses, 432, 474, 475f
Arthritis, 521, 522, 522t, 523
Artificial pacemakers, 441
Ascending colon, 633
Ascending limb, in Loop of Henle, 586,
592–593, 593f
Ascending tracts, 233, 233t, 234 f, 385
Ascites, 636
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), 438, 666
Asparagine, 122t
Aspartate transaminase (AST), 123
Aspartic acid, 41f, 122 f, 122 t, 194, 196t
Aspermatogenesis, 522t
Aspirin, 352, 414, 423
Association neurons. See Interneurons
AST (aspartate transaminase), 123
Asthma, 352, 523, 524, 545
Astigmatism, 297, 297f
Astrocytes, 166, 166f, 167 t, 170–171, 170f
Asynchronous activation, of motor units, 375
Asystole, 441
Ataxia, 230
Atenolol, 255, 256t, 426
Atheromas, 436
cholesterol and lipoproteins in, 437–438, 437f, 654
diabetes mellitus and, 685
inflammation and, 438, 502
ischemic heart disease and, 439
menopause and, 734
paracrine regulators and, 350, 437
receptor-mediated endocytosis in, 55
risk factors for, 437
Atherosclerotic heart disease, 110
Athlete’s bradycardia, 440
Atmospheric pressure, measurement of, 547, 547f
Atomic mass, 25
Atomic number, 25
Atoms, 25–26, 25t
Atopic dermatitis, 523
ATP. See Adenosine triphosphate
ATPase. See Adenosine triphosphatase
Atretic follicles, 725–726, 726f
Atria, 418, 421, 422, 423
Atrial contraction, 423
Atrial diastole, 422
Atrial fibrillation, 423, 440–441
Atrial flutter, 440–441
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), 460, 462, 607–608
Atrial stretch reflexes, 479
Atrial systole, 423
Atrioventricular (AV) bundle, 427
Atrioventricular (AV) node, 425, 426, 427
Atrioventricular (AV) valves, 419–420, 420f
Atrophy, 78, 384
Atropine, 185, 256, 256t
Attenuation, 515
Atypical antipsychotics, 193
Audiometry, 289
Auditory cortex, 288
Auditory meatus, external, 283
Auditory tube, 284
Auerbach’s plexus, 622
Auricle, 283

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