Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

AARP, 91, 371
attitudes toward, 405, 416
crime and, 187
“Abstinence pledgers,” 333–334
Academic achievement, race and, 570
Acceptance stage of dying, 361
Accountability, bureaucracy and, 97
Achieved status, 77–78
Activities, fads and, 59
Acute diseases, 534
Addictions, 541–544
Adolescence, 349, 352
sex during, 351, 352, 378
socialization in, 158–159
violence in, 159
Adolescence: Its Psychology and Its Relation
to Physiology, Anthropology, Sociology,
Sex, Crime, Religion, and Education
(Hall), 159
Adonis complex, 527
Adoption, 400
late, 356–362
middle, 354–356
milestones of, 354
socialization in, 159–160
young, 352–353
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(Twain),
Advertising, 602–603
Advocacy research, 511
Affirmative action, 256–257
AFL-CIO, 438, 472
African Americans, 267–268. See also
Ethnicity; Race; Race and ethnicity
blackandNegroto refer to, 47
early focus on, 22
families of, 390
housing discrimination against, 254
in sociology, 34
terminology for, 274
Tuskegee experiments and, 535
Afterlife, belief in, 153, 164
Age, 346–378
aging and dying and, 358–362
chronological, 348
crime and, 191–192
functional, 348
generations of youth and, 367–371
health and, 534
identity and, 348–362

inequality and, 362–367, 371–376
poverty and, 364–365
rates and causes of death and, 360–361
sexuality and, 335
stages of life and, 349–358
in 21st century, 376
Age cohorts, 372
Ageism, 363
Age norms, 349
Agents of socialization, 150–157
education, 152
family, 151–152
mass media, 154–156
peers, 154
religion, 152–153
workplace, 156–157
Aging, 358–360
retirement and, 365–366
social isolation and, 365
Agricultural economy, 419
AIDS, 538, 544–545
Air pollution, 644
Alcohol, 541–543, 544
Alice in Wonderland(Carroll), 170
Alternative(s), search for, role exit and, 80
Alternative medicine, 547–549
American Federation of Labor (AFL), 438
American Occupational Structure(Blau and
Duncan), 228
American Revolution, 13–14
American Sociological Association, magazine
published by, 70
American sociological thinkers, 20–21
Mead’s views and, 20–21
Veblen’s views and, 20
Ward’s views and, 20
Anal stage of personality development, 148
Anger stage of dying, 361
Animals, language and, 46
Animal species, depletion of,
Anna Karenina(Tolstoy), 413
Anorexia nervosa, 526
Anticipatory socialization, 149
AOL-Time Warner, 432, 601–602
Apartheid, 208, 255
Armed conflicts, children employed in, 376
Ascribed status, 77, 248
Asexuality, 325–326
Asian Americans, 268, 270. See also
Ethnicity; Race; Race and ethnicity
families of, 390–391

in sociology, 35
Assembly-line production, 420
Assimilation, 272
Asylums(Goffman), 24
Attitudes, racial, changing, 255
Aum Shunrikyo, 492
Authoritarian political systems, 460–461
dictatorship, 461
monarchy, 460
oligarchy, 460–461
totalitarianism, 461
charismatic, 458
hierarchy of, in bureaucracies, 95
legal-rational, 458–459
power/knowledge and, 459
traditional, 457–458
Autoeroticism, 318

Baby boomers, 367–368
Baby boomlet, 369–370
Baby busters, 368–369, 482
Balanced reporting, 125
Barbie dolls, 528
Beauty, 522–528
anorexia nervosa and bulimia and, 526
body building and, 526–528
weight and height and, 523–526
whiteness of skin and, 523
in afterlife, 153, 164
spiritual, 489
The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class
Structure in American Life(Herrnstein
and Murray), 261
Bellevue Baptist Church (Memphis,
Tennessee), 502
“Beltway cities,” 634
Berdaches, 288
Bertelsmann, 601
Bias, avoiding in research, 130
Bible, 508, 518
Bilineal descent, 383
Bilingual education, 568
Bilingual Education Act, 568
Bilingualism, 273
Bioartificial organs, 533
Biographical work, 539
Biological sciences, 510
Biraciality, 246–247
Biracial marriage, 398–399
Birth control, 342–343

Subject Index

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