Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

Consolidation in U.S. economy, 430–431
Conspicuous consumption, 420
Constitution party, 470
Consumer crime, 183
Consumerism, homogenizing spread of, 31
conspicuous, 420
media and, 604–605
modern economy and, 420–421
Content analysis, 112, 124–125, 126
Contexts(journal), 70
Contingent work, 444
Control group, 112
Control theory of deviance, 176
Conventional reasoning, 146
Cooperation as pattern of social interaction,
Core countries in world system theory, 235
Corporations, 431–434
family, 431–432
institutional, 432
managerial, 432
multinational, 432–434
Correlation, 131–132
causality versus, 131–132
specious, 187
Corruption, political, 464
Cosmetic surgery, 529–530
Countercultures, 43–44
Countryside, 632–633
Coup d’état, 476
Courts, 194
Courtship, 392–393
Couvade, 288, 289
Creationism, political debate over, 509–510
Credential society, 557–558
Crime, 178–201
abortion and, 187
age and, 191–192
broken windows theory of, 180
children employed in, 376
class and, 192–193
conflict theory of, 182, 191
consumer, 183
criminal justice system and, 193–198
cybercrime, 185–186
definition of, 178
gender and, 183, 189–190, 291
globalization and, 198–199
guns and, 188, 189
hate, 186, 258
immigration and, 273
occupational, 183
opportunity theory of, 181–182
organizational, 183
property, 183
race and, 190–191
rate of, 186–188
strain theory of, 179, 190–191
subcultures and, 180–181
in 21st century, 200–201
violent, 183
white-collar, 183

workplace, 183–185
Criminal justice system, 193–198
courts and, 194
police and, 193–194
punishment and corrections and, 194–198
Cross-cultural research, value of, 286–287
Cross-sectional studies, 372
Crowds, 81
Cults, 491–492
Cultural capital, 58
Cultural change, 62–64
Cultural diffusion, 63
Cultural diversity, 41–43
Cultural imperialism, 61, 611–612
Cultural literacy, 563–564
Cultural Literacy: What Every American
Needs to Know(Hirsch), 564
Cultural relativism, 42
Cultural universals, 56, 489
Culture, 38–65
countercultures and, 43–44
definition of, 40
family forms and, 383–384
high, 56–59
language and, 46–47
material, 40–41, 44
nonmaterial, 41
norms and, 48–50
popular. SeePopular culture
race as, 245
rituals and, 47
subcultures and, 43
symbols and, 45
as tool kit, 62
in 21st century, 64
universality and localism and, 56
values and, 51–55
Culture industries, 598–600
Culture lag, 62
Culture of poverty, 223
Culture shock, 41
Curriculum, hidden, 304, 557
Cybercrime, 185–186
Cyclical unemployment, 444

Data analysis, 110–111
Data collection, 110
“Date rape,” 334
Dating, 392–393
The Death and Life of Great Cities(Jacobs),
The Death of the West(Buchanan), 252
Death penalty, 196–198, 199, 203
Death rate. SeeMortality rate
Death Without Weeping: The Violence of
Everyday Life in Brazil(Scheper-
Hughes), 143
Declaration of Independence, 13
Deductive reasoning, 106–107
Deforestation, 643
Deinstitutionalization, 539
Democracy, 462–463
bureaucracy and, 97–98

illiberal, 463
measuring, 463
participatory, 462
representative, 462
Democracy in America(Tocqueville), 15, 93
Democratic Party, 469–470
Demographic transition theory, 628
Demography, 68
Denial stage of dying, 361
Denominations, 493
Departure, role exit and, 80
Dependency theory of global inequality,
Dependent variables, 110
Depression stage of dying, 361
Deprivation, relative, 476
Desertification, 643
Detached observation, 114
Deterrence as goal of incarceration, 195–196
control theory of, 176
crime and. SeeCrime
definition of, 168–169
differential association and, 175
inequality and, 177–178
labeling theory of, 177, 191
laws related to, 169
primary, 177
secondary, 177
social coherence and, 174–178
social control and, 170–174, 202–203
stigma and, 170–172
tertiary, 177
in 21st century, 200–201
usefulness to society, 174–175
Deviant subcultures, 172–174
Dictatorship, 461
Dictionary of Cultural Literacy(Hirsch), 564
Differential association, 175
crime and, 180–181, 182, 191
Differential power of minority groups, 248
Disabilities, 531–533
Disasters, 646–647
Discrimination, 253–258
affirmative action and, 256–257
categories of, 253
conflict theory of, 259
feminist theory of, 259–260
frustration-aggression theory of, 259
hate groups and, 257–258
institutional, 254
primordial theory of, 259
as response to stereotypes, 253
segregation and integration and, 254–256
in workplace, 450
Disinterestedness as norm of science, 513
Disney Corporation, 635
Dissent, suppression of, in bureaucracies, 96
The Divine Comedy(Dante), 350
Division of labor in bureaucracies, 95
Divorce, 406–409
blended families and, 408–409
consequences of, 407–408
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