Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

Fecundity, 618–619
Felon disenfranchisement, 198
Female circumcision, 288, 289
The Feminine Mystique(Friedan), 590
Femininities, 281–282
Feminism, 308–310
liberal, 309
multicultural, 309–310
radical, 309
Feminist Revolution(Hanish), 480
Feminist theory of prejudice and discrimina-
tion, 259–260
Feminization of poverty, 222, 297
Feminization of the professions, 300
Feral children, 142
Fertility, 618
Fertility rate, 619
Feudalism, 208
Field studies, 114–117, 126
First World, 230
as cultural symbols, 45
Pledge of Allegiance and, 47, 48
Focus on the Family, 472
Folkways, 49–50, 170
Forced and bonded labor, 375–376
Fordism, 420
Formal operational stage of cognitive devel-
opment, 145, 146
For-profit universities, 580–581
Foster care adoption, 404
Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple
Intelligences(Gardner), 563
Freedom of the press, 610, 615
French Revolution, 13–14
Freud’s theory of personality development,
Friendship, gender inequality in, 305
Frustration-aggression theory of prejudice
and discrimination, 259
Functional age, 348
Fundamentalism, 496–497

Gangs, youth, 173–174
Garbage, 644–645
Gay Liberation Front, 337
Gay liberation movement, 336
Gay men. SeeHomosexuality; Sexual orien-
Gay rights movement, 337–338
Gender. See alsoWomen
age and poverty and, 364
biology of, 282–285
boundaries of, 288
childhood and, 351
clothing and, 290, 350
crime and, 183, 189–190
cultural variations in, 285–289
definition of, 280–281
health and, 535–536
intimate partner violence and, 410, 411
M-F test and, 290
obesity and, 525

organizations and, 93–94
parenting and, 402
peer approval and, 155
political office and, 465–467
political party affiliation and, 470–471
preference for male children and, 408
religion and, 503, 507
rituals of, 288–289
self-employment and, 443
of sexuality, 330–332
social construction of, 292–294
variation in, 281
violence and, 291
Gender diversity in workplace, 447–449,
Gendered institutions, 293–294
Gender identity, 281–282, 289–294
gender socialization and, 290–292
schooling and, 571–572
social construction of gender and,
Gender inequality, 282, 294–306
employment and, 298–304
in everyday life, 304–306
global, 294–298
global economies and, 232
in schools, 303–304, 569–571
in 21st century, 310
Gender polarization, 291
Gender roles, 292, 312
opposition to, 306–307
Gender socialization, 160–162, 290–292
Gender wage gap, 297, 300–301, 448–449
Gene(s), patented, 512
Generalizability, 124
Generalized other, 21, 144–145
General Motors, 434
General Social Survey (GSS), 54, 216, 506
“General will” of Rousseau, 13
Generation X, 368–369, 482
Generation Y, 369–370, 482
Genetic testing, 550, 553
Genocide, 271–272
Gentrification, 635–636
Gerontology, 348
Gestures, cultural differences in, 74
Gilded Age, 430
Glass ceiling, 301–302
Glass escalator, 302
Global commodity chains, 236
Global economies, 423–425
Global inequality, 229–238
classification of global economies and,
dependency theory of, 234–235
global mobility and, 237–238
market theories of, 233–234
state-centered theories of, 234
world system theory of, 235–237
Globalization, 27–32
crime and, 198–199
definition of, 30
education and, 559–564

global tensions and, 31–32
of media, 609–612
multiculturalism related to, 28–31
multinational corporations and, 432–434
networks and, 89–91
organizations and, 98–99
of popular culture, 61
of production, 423–425
of sex, 339–340
Global mobility, 237–238
Global poverty, 224–225
Global village, 610
Global warming, 645–646
Global youth, 370–371
Government, 456
standard of living and, 475, 484–485
Grandparenting, 403–404
“Gray market,” 441
Gray Panthers, 371
Green Party, 470
Greenpeace, 472
Gross domestic product (GDP), 230
Group(s), 81–88
cliques, 85
in cyberspace, 89
definition of, 81
dynamics of. SeeGroup dynamics
hardcore members of, 85–86
identity and, 81–82
in- and out-, 83–84
interactions in 21st century and, 99
leader of, 85
membership in, 83, 101
primary, 82–83
reference, 84–85
secondary, 83
size of, 85
Group awareness of minority groups, 248
Group cohesion, 81
Group dynamics, 85–88
conformity and, 86–87
diffusion of responsibility and, 87
stereotyping and, 87–88
Group marriage, 384
Groupthink, 87
Guns, crime and, 188, 189

Happiness, 108, 137
Hardcore members, 85–86
Hare Krishna, 493
Hate crimes, 186, 258
hate groups, 257–258
Hawthorne Effect, 96, 435
Health, 533–550
age and, 534
definition of, 533
gender and, 535–536
genetic testing and, 550, 553
global distribution of, 536–537
illness and. SeeIllness
inequality and, 533–536
as institution, 546–550
race and class and, 534–535
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