Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

Polyandry, 384
Polygamy, 383
Polygyny, 383–384
Popular culture, 56–61
forms of, 59–60
globalization of, 61
high culture versus, 57–59
politics of, 60–61
The Population Bomb(Ehrlich), 628
Population composition, 624–625
Population density, 631–632
Population growth, 625–629
decreasing rate of flow and, 628–629
demographic transition theory and, 628
Malthusian theory of, 627–628
Population pyramids, 624–625, 626
Pornography, 340–341, 594
Postconventional reasoning, 147
Postindustrial economy, 421–425, 431
Postmodernism, 33–34
Poverty, 219–226
age and, 364–365
culture of, 223
feminization of, 222, 297
global, 224–225
personal initiative and, 223
race and, 219, 221
reducing, 225–226
structures of inequality and, 223–224
in United States, 221–222
youth and, 372–373
Poverty line, 220
authority, 459
class and status and, 457
definition of, 211
differential, of minority groups, 248
in industrial economies, 419
political office and, 465–467
politics and, 456–459
in Weber’s theory, 211
Prayer Book Rebellion of 1549, 61
Prayer in schools, 509, 510, 519
Preconventional reasoning, 146
Prejudice, 43, 251–252
categories of, 253
combating, 260–261
conflict theory of, 259
feminist theory of, 259–260
frustration-aggression theory of, 259
overcoming, 262
primordial theory of, 259
racism and, 252
stereotypes and, 88, 251–252
Preoperational stage of cognitive develop-
ment, 145, 146
Pressure groups, 471–474
Prevalence, 533
Pride in being American, 57, 66–67
Primary deviance, 177
Primary groups, 82–83
Primary sex characteristics, 284
Primary socialization, 150

Primates, socialization in, 144
Primordial theory of prejudice and discrimi-
nation, 259
Principles of Scientific Management(Taylor),
Print media, 589–591
Prisons, 194, 195–196
felon disenfranchisement and, 198
parole from, 198
Private adoption, 404
Privatization of schools, 573–574
Problem definition, 109
globalization of, 423–425
shift to consumption from, 420
Productivity in bureaucracies, 96
Profane, 489
Professional ethics, 132–133
Progressive party, 470
Proletariat, 210, 427
Promise Keepers, 307
Promotional groups, 472
Property crime, 183
Proportional representation, 467
Proprietary universities, 580–581
children employed in, 376
global, 339–340
world system and, 237
Protection as goal of incarceration, 196
Protective groups, 472
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
Capitalism(Weber), 18
Pull factors, migrations and, 621
Purposive samples, 117–118
Push factors, migrations and, 621
Pyschopathis Sexualis(Krafft-Ebing), 327

Qualitative research methods, quantitative
methods versus, 107–109
Quantitative research methods, 118–124
qualitative methods versus, 107–109
secondary analysis of existing data,
122–124, 126
surveys, 112, 116, 118–122, 123, 126,

Race.See alsoEthnicity; Minority groups;
Race and ethnicity; specific groups
biraciality and multiraciality and,
biracial marriage and, 398–399
as culture, 245
definition of, 245–246
ethnicity versus, 244–245
Race and ethnicity, 242–276. See also
Ethnicity; Minority groups; Race; spe-
cific groups
academic achievement and, 570
age and poverty and, 364
age at first birth and, 353
class and, 218–219
crime and, 190–191

disabilities and, 532
discrimination and. SeeDiscrimination
health and, 534–535
intelligence and, 261
intimate partner violence and, 410
majority groups and, 248–251
minority groups and, 248
obesity and, 525
organizations and, 93–94
peer approval and, 155
political office and, 465–467
political party affiliation and, 470
poverty and, 219, 221
prejudice and. SeePrejudice
rates and causes of death and, 360–361
religion and, 503–505, 507
self-employment and, 443
social mobility and, 228
in 21st century, 273–275
in United States, 262–275
Race to the bottom, 433
Racial attitudes, changing, 255
Racial diversity in workplace, 446–447
Racial profiling, 191
Racial segregation
of neighborhoods, 256, 276–277
of schools, 567–568
Racial terminology, 274
Racism, 252
Radical feminism, 309
Radio, 592
Rape, 334
deductive, 106–107
inductive, 107
Red Cross, 91
Reference groups, 84–85
Refugees, 621
in bureaucracies, 95
media and, 607–609
suppression of, 96–97
Regulatory agencies, 430
Rehabilitation as goal of incarceration, 196
Relative deprivation, 476
Reliability, 110
Religion(s), 487–510
as agent of socialization, 152–153
on campus, 505–507
civil, 490
definition of, 488
Durkheim and social cohesion and,
gay liberation movement and, 336
Marx and social control and, 490
New Age, 507–508
as politics, 508–510
religious experience and religious identity
and, 503–505
religious groups and, 491–494
science compared with, 488–489
syncretic, 497
in United States, 500–510
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