Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

Traditional authority, 457–458
Transgenderism, 530–531
Transracial adoption, 404
Tuskegee experiments, 535
Twixters, 353
Two-party system, 468–469

Ulysses(Joyce), 340
Underclass, 214–215
Underemployment, 227
“Underground economy,” 441
Unemployment, 444–445
Unemployment compensation, 445
Unions, 438, 472
U.S. Constitution, 429
Universal Music Group, 601
Universal suffrage, 462
Universities.SeeCollege campuses; Higher
University of Phoenix, 581
Unpaid work, 441–442
Upper middle class, 213–214
Upper upper class, 212–213
Urbanization, 638
global, 639–640
“Urbanization as a Way of Life” (Wirth), 638
Urban village, 638–639
Utilitarian organizations, 92–93

Validity, 110
Values, 51–55
American, 52–54
changing and contradictory, 54–55
of criminal subcultures, 180–181
emerging, 54
inconsistent, 51
Variables, 111–112
confounding, 112
dependent, 110
extraneous, 112
independent, 110
Veblen’s views, 20
Verbal communication, 75. See also
Verstehen, 107
Viacom, 601
Video games, 593
in adolescence, 159

bullying and, 572
in families, 409–413
gender and, 291
intimate partner, 409–410
school, 572, 573
sibling, 410
Violent crime, 183
Virginia Tech, 573
Voting. See alsoSuffrage
compulsory, 471
Voucher system, 573–574

Wage gap, gender, 297, 300–301, 448–449
Wage labor, 420. See alsoEmployment;
Workplace entries
Wal-Mart, 427, 430, 433, 440
War, 477
Ward’s views, 20
Warner Brothers, 601–602
Water pollution, 644
Wealth, distribution of, global economies
and, 232
Weber’s views, 18–19
on religion, 490–491
on social class, 210–212
Weight, 523–526
Welfare capitalism, 426
Western Electric study, 96
White Americans, 248–251. See also
Ethnicity; Race; Race and ethnicity
history of, 249–251
terminology for, 274
White-collar crime, 183
White-collar jobs, 436–437
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together
in the Cafeteria?(Tatum), 245
“Wild Boy of Aveyron,” 142
Willow Creek Community Church (Chicago,
Illinois), 502
Woman in the Nineteenth Century(Fuller), 21
Women. See alsoGenderentries;Sexentries;
determinants of status of, 287
early focus on, 21–23
employment of, 438
feminism and, 308–310
lesbian.SeeHomosexuality; Sexual orien-
life span of, 360

“mail-order wives” and, 624
maternal “instinct” and, 143
maternal mortality rate and, 534
matrilineal descent and, 383
microcredit and, 226
in political office, 302, 313
poverty among, 222
sexual harassment of, 302–303
in sociology, 34
women’s movements and, 307–308
Women and Economics(Gilman), 22
Women’s magazines, 590
Women’s movements, 307–308
Work. SeeEmployment; Workplace entries
Work-family dynamics, gender and, 449
Working class, 214
Working parents, 450–451
Workplace as agent of socialization,
Workplace crime, 183–185
Workplace discrimination, 450
Workplace diversity, 445–451
gender, 447–449, 453
racial, 446–447
sexual, 449–450
working parents and, 450–451
WorldCom, 183
World economy, 235
World March of Women 2000, 308
World Poker Tournament, 593–594
World religions, 494–500
contemporary, 498–500
Eastern, 497–498
Western, 494–497
World system theory of global inequality,

“The Yellow Wallpaper” (Gilman), 22
Young adulthood, 352–353
global, 370–371
inequality and, 371–376
poverty and, 372–373
in 21st century, 376
Youth gangs, 173–174

Zero population growth, 628
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