AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. Train a profile hidden Markov model usinghmmbuildfrom the
    HMMER package [31]:hmmbuild PRKAA1.hmm PRKAA1.

  2. Create two directories,hmm_dirandaln_dirinsidepathTo-
    HaMStR/core_orthologs/PRKAA1/. Place PRKAA1.aln

  3. Run the HaMStR search. For every target species, perform its
    own HaMStR search. An example command for a HaMStR
    search would look like the following: pathToHaMStR/bin/
    hamstr -sequence_file¼pathToInfile/inFile.fa -taxon¼yourTaxon-
    Name -hmmset¼PRKAA1 –refspec¼HUMAN@9606 -checkCoor
    thologsRef -representative(seeNote 8).

  4. Information about the orthologs identified by HaMStR are
    stored in a file with the extension “.out.” Upon opening the
    file, you will find the results reported in the following format:
    ProteinId|representative|targetProteinSequence.” The field
    “representative” takes either 1 or 0 as value. If HaMStR iden-
    tifies more than one ortholog (co-orthologs), it will identify
    the one being most similar to the seed sequence. This will be
    considered the “representative ortholog” and obtains a 1. All
    other co-orthologs will be flagged with a 0. If you choose the
    parameter “-representative” in the HaMStR call, the output of
    co-orthologs will be suppressed, and only the “representative”
    ortholog will be reported.

  5. Collect the orthologs across all species and add them to the file
    AMPK_PRKAA1_Orthologs_Filtered.fa. To keep track of the
    changes in the file, you may want to rename it toAMPK_PR-

  6. We recommend deleting the HaMStR output files, especially
    when working with large collections of seed proteins and many
    Phylogenetic profiling using a targeted ortholog search
    (steps 19– 21 ).
    You can optionally bypass the use of precomputed ortho-
    log sets and directly perform a targeted search for orthologs
    with HaMStR-OneSeq [26] using a single seed sequence.

  7. HaMStR-OneSeq is part of the HaMStR package. If you have
    not already installed HaMStR, download and install the pack-
    age (seestep 9in Subheading3.3).

  8. Save the seed protein sequence in FASTA format and save it
    underpathToHaMStR/data. Use this file for initiating the
    ortholog search with HaMStR-OneSeq. A standard search
    command looks like the following:pathToHaMStR/bin/one- -sequence_file¼seedFileName.fa -seqname¼seedName

122 Arpit Jain et al.

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