Devita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer

(Frankie) #1

LWBK1006-01 LWW-Govindan-Review November 24, 2011 11:17

6 DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s CANCER: Principles and Practice of Oncology Review

Question 1.27. All of the following is evidence for senescence as a tumor suppressor
mechanism, EXCEPT:
A. Several “tumor suppressor” proteins that are involved in senescence
pathways (e.g., p16INK4a) are mutated in familial cancer syndromes.
B. Mice and humans with impaired p16INK4a and p53 function
develop normally other than an age-dependent decrease in cancer and
decreased susceptibility to cancer in response to carcinogen exposure.
C. Reestablishment of p53 activity in sarcoma and hepatocellular carci-
noma has led to cessation of tumor growth.
D. Growth arrest in lung epithelium has been demonstrated in response
to oncogenic events.

Question 1.28. All of the following are potential therapeutic strategies to induce senes-
cence in cancer cells, EXCEPT:
A. Restoration of p16INK4a activity via gene therapy
B. Restoration of p16INK4a activity via inhibition of DNA methyltrans-
C. Inhibition of MDM2
D. Inhibition of p16INK4a-p53 interactions

Question 1.29. Breakage-fusion-bridge cycles lead to all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Methylation
B. Aneuploidy
C. Amplifications
D. Deletions

Question 1.30. Telomerase-null mice are associated with which of the following?
A. Decreased sensitivity to radiation
B. Decreased sensitivity to chemotherapy that induces double-strand
breaks (DSBs)
C. Decreased genomic stability in the presence of p53 deficiency
D. Decreased rate of spontaneous malignancy

Question 1.31. All of the following are receptor tyrosine kinases, EXCEPT:
A. Platelet-derived growth factor receptor
B. Insulin-like growth factor receptor 1
C. Kit
D. Akt

Question 1.32. Which of the following is TRUE about receptor tyrosine kinases?
A. They are always monomeric.
B. Activation always requires tyrosine phosphorylation in all classes.
C. Different types of ligands can activate the same class of receptors.
D. Different types of ligands induce the same receptor conformational
changes on binding.
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