Devita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer

(Frankie) #1

LWBK1006-02 LWW-Govindan-Review November 24, 2011 11:18

Chapter 2•Molecular Biology of Cancer Part 2 23

Question 2.39. Which of the following is NOT a selective pressure experienced by circu-
lating tumor cells (CTCs)?
A. Shear stress
B. Nitric oxide
D. Nutrient deprivation

Question 2.40. Which of the following molecules does NOT assist in the extravasation
of CTCs?
A. Ezrin
C. v3 integrin

Question 2.41. Osteoblastic bone metastases are characteristic of which type of cancer?
A. Breast
B. Prostate
C. Lung
D. Renal cell

Question 2.42. Which of the following does NOT typically metastasize to the liver?
A. Colon cancer
B. Breast cancer
C. Prostate cancer
D. Melanoma

Question 2.43. The stochastic model of tumor heterogeneity is best described as:
A. Every cell has equal potential to initiate and sustain tumor growth,
but most cells do not proliferate extensively because of the low cumu-
lative probability of permissive events.
B. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are biologically distinct from the bulk cell
population, which does not possess tumor-initiating activity.
C. Tumors are heterogeneous secondary to random, acquired mutations.
D. Tumors are pressured into heterogeneity by variable pressures applied
to the tumor.

Question 2.44. The hierarchy model of tumor heterogeneity is best described as:
A. Every cell has equal potential to initiate and sustain tumor growth,
but most cells do not proliferate extensively because of the low cumu-
lative probability of permissive events.
B. CSCs are biologically distinct from the bulk cell population, which
does not possess tumor-initiating activity.
C. Tumors are heterogenous secondary to random, acquired mutations.
D. Tumors are pressured into heterogeneity by variable pressures applied
to the tumor.
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