Devita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer

(Frankie) #1

LWBK1006-03 LWW-Govindan-Review November 24, 2011 11:19

Chapter 3•Etiology of Cancer Part 1 39

Question 3.30. Association between HCV and HCC includes the following, EXCEPT:
A. Alcohol consumption or coinfection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) in
a patient with HCV increases the risk of HCC.
B. Treatment of patients with HCV with interferon and ribavirin elimi-
nates the risk of HCC in these patients.
C. There is a 20- to 30-year lag period between HCV infection and the
development of HCC.
D. Inflammatory changes resulting from HCV infection are primarily
responsible for development of HCC in HCV-infected patients.

Question 3.31. HBV has the following characteristics, EXCEPT:
A. DNA virus that belongs to the hepadnavirus family.
B. In 95% of individuals who become infected with HBV, the infection
resolves with clearance of the virus.
C. Twenty-five percent of individuals infected with HBV develop HCC.
D. HBV-infected patients who develop chronic hepatitis are at an
increased risk of developing HCC.

Question 3.32. Human papilloma virus (HPV) has been linked with the following cancers,
A. Cervical cancer
B. Penile cancer
C. Oropharyngeal cancers
D. Esophageal cancers

Question 3.33. Pathogenesis of cervical cancer from HPV infection is characterized by
the following, EXCEPT:
A. E6 and E7 viral proteins are most closely related to the transforming
potential of HPV.
B. Every person infected with HPV eventually develops cancer.
C. Smoking is identified as a risk factor and can increase the risk of
cervical cancer in HPV-infected patients.
D. Cell-cycle regulatory proteins p53 and RB (retinoblastoma protein)
are important targets of HPV oncoproteins.

Question 3.34. The following type of HPV has a strong association with cervical cancer:
A. HPV-6
B. HPV-11
C. HPV-16
D. None of the above
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