and Dehui Wang (eds), The First Global Biodiversity Forum for Asia(in Chinese with
English abstract), Beijing: China Environmental Science Publishing, pp. 158–61.
- Campbell, David N. (1997), ‘The Maoist legacy and environmental implementation in
China’, Asian Survey, XXXVII(9) (September), 860. - China Daily, 6 June, 2005, p. 4.
- Ma and Ortolano, 2000, op cit, n. 16, p. 161.
- This is Elizabeth Economy’s estimate, 2004, op cit, n. 50, p. 183.
- For an example of these pressures, see Xue Xiaming (2002), ‘Shaanxi ecologic environment
and its reason analysis’ (in Chinese), Journal of Shaanxi Economics and Trade Institute, 15
(4) (August), 13–17. - Personal interview with official, SEPA, Beijing, 7 January, 2005.
- See, for example, the review by Shui-Yan Tang, Carlos Wingi-Hung Lo, Kai-Chee Cheung
and Jack Man-Keung Lo, ‘Institutional constraints on environmental management in urban
China: environmental impact assessment in Guangzhou and Shanghai’, China Quarterly,
152 (December), 863–74. The authors note (at p. 864):
‘(L)ocal governments in China are confronted with difficulties in self-regulation. When a
local government owns and sponsors many polluting industries or projects, it is difficult
for it to monitor itself. When an environmental bureau is part of the local government, it
is often difficult for the bureau to enforce environmental regulations on other government
units that sponsor polluting factories and are of equal, and often higher, hierarchical
ranking than the enforcing bureau itself.’ - Personal interview with SFA manager, Beijing, 21 May, 2005. For press accounts of this
controversy, see China Dailyarticles, 26 November, 2004, p. 5, 17 December, 2004, p. 3,
31 March, 2005, p. 2 and 25 May, 2005, p. 2. - Personal interview with CAS biologist, Beijing, 13 April, 2004.
- Saich, Tony (2001), Governance and Politics of China, New York: Palgrave, p. 119.
- A government report says this in its introduction of CCICED:
‘A senior advisory body founded since 1992 involving members from China and
international community for observing, evaluating, and advising China in environmental
protection in harmony with sustainable development; a new approach from the open
policy of the government and follow-up the spirits from UNCED.’
last accessed 2 August, 2005. - See SEPA (1997), ‘Biodiversity Action in China’, The Newsletter of Biodiversity
Conservation and Implementing of the Convention on Biological Diversity, no. 1,
30 August, available at
no.1_en.htm, last accessed 2 August, 2005. - National Environmental Protection Agency (1998), China’s National Report on
Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Beijing: China Environmental
Science Press, pp. 39–40. - Qin Chuan (2004), ‘Highlighting green factor in economy’, China Daily, 20 July,
p. 7. - Qin Chuan (2004), ‘Circular economy enhances development’, China Daily, 29 September,
p. 1. - Saich, 2001, op cit, n. 63, p. 155.
- Lieberthal, Kenneth (1995), Governing China: From Revolution through Reform, New
York: W.W. Norton, p. 199. - See Zhang Zhida (ed.) (1999), Quanguo shi da linye shengtai jianshe gongcheng [Ten
National Ecological Forest Projects], Beijing: China Forestry Press, and Harkness, James
(1998), ‘Recent trends in forestry and conservation of biodiversity in China’, China
Quarterly, (156) (December), 911–34. - Personal interview with first editor, China Environment News, Beijing, 11 January, 2005.
- Wen Bo (1998), Greening the Chinese Media, China Environment Series, no. 2, Washington,
DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, p. 39. - Economy, 2004, op cit, n. 50, p. 163.
98 Governance of biodiversity conservation in China and Taiwan