Governance of Biodiversity Conservation in China And Taiwan

(Kiana) #1

see also climate change
Global Environmental Facility 59, 102,
111, 230
Global Environmental Institute 177
Global Village of Beijing 176–7
Go West (Great Opening of the West)
campaign 102, 211
golden-haired monkey 51–2, 178
Goodall, Jane 168
governance 192, 220
defined 3–4
NGOs role in 159–60
see alsoENGOs, scientists
government-organized nongovernmental
organizations (GONGOs) 167,
174–5, 224
grasslands 9, 27, 55, 176
grassroots environmentalism 177,
Great Leap Forward 27, 55
Great Wall 147
Green Camp Volunteers 177–8
‘green’ GDP 88
see alsocircular economy
Green Earth Volunteers 211, 212
Green Watershed 211
Greenpeace 86, 180
greenwash 143–4
Guangdong Province 58, 154, 182
guanxi(personal relationships) 93, 193,
207, 222
Guizhou Province 116

Haicang Project 151–2
Hainan Province 115
Han Chinese 12, 36n14, 116–17
Han Fei Tzu 20
Harkness, James 55, 57, 108, 113
Harris, Richard 22, 117
Hau Pei-tsen 196
He Daming 211
health issues 139
Ho, Peter 173–4, 186
horizontal diffusion 146, 149–54, 224,
Hsiao, Michael 149–50, 186
Hsieh Zhicheng 204
Hsu Wen-lung 152
Hu Jintao 88, 194
Huadian group 209, 211

Huang Fuxin 163, 166
Huang Mingqin 163, 164
Huang Wanli 27
human rights 182
human settlement 8, 50, 52, 58–9, 80
hydropower development 11, 58, 59,
111, 182, 209, 211, 215

ideology 26, 167
illegal wildlife hunting/trade see
imperial system 21–4, 193
industry see businesses
infrastructure projects 2, 112–13, 146–7
see alsoThree Gorges Dam
Inglehart, Ronald 38n49
Institute of Botany 60
institutional framework in China 83–9
central ministries 83–5, 106, 110
devolution to subnational units 85–7,
94, 194, 213, 215, 222
implementation deficits 70–71, 112–3
linkage mechanisms 87–9
institutional framework in Taiwan
central coordination 89–90, 125
devolution 92–3, 94, 196, 215, 222
government agencies 90–92, 124–5
international community
climate change and 203
incentives 93, 179–80
environmental aid 93–4, 111, 179–80,
187, 222
environmental cooperation 88, 171,
175, 187
policy design and 179–80
technology transfer 142–3, 229
trade regimes 168
International Crane Foundation (ICF)
International Fund for Animal Welfare
(IFAW) 53, 65n40, 180
International Man and Biosphere
network 102
international nongovernmental
organizations (INGOs) 111, 116,
167, 172, 177, 179–80, 187, 228–9
International Organization of
Standardization 142–3
International Rivers Network 1, 210,

Index 237
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