Digital Art Live – May 2019
(^) been in terra incognita, intellectually, so I certainly couldn’t tell you with a straight face that I always ‘knew’ where I ...
Here’s the deal: I’m not interested in the maths^ themselves, but rather the visual beauty that issues from them, in its purest ...
WHAT IS MOJOWORLD? MojoWorld offers a unique ‘procedural planet maker’, with videogame-like controls to ‘fly’ over an Earth-size ...
44 DESERTS IN PAPERBACK ART CREATIVE IDEA: desert trees made from organic parts. (^) CREATIVE IDEA: running and freedom in a des ...
45 The Legion of Space 1969, Pyramid Books, USA. The Legion of Space was a far-future space- opera adventure from the mid 1930s, ...
We interview Micheal ‘Vioxstar’ Efriam of Israel, about his amazing science-fiction picture series made with real-time rendering ...
Picture: “Server Dust: Collector”. ...
49 (^) I also took a week-long photography course, in which I was introduced to Adobe Photoshop, and the awesome world of image ...
Especially if they’re free and have a fun interface and are quick to learn (i.e. not Blender or Unreal). iClone is the obvious c ...
(^) a bath-tub race car and drive it’. After seeing some gameplay videos on YouTube, I got hooked — if you’re into physics and c ...
All that was done online, with friends, in a world of builders — a sort of digital paradise. A lot of that world got carried ove ...
(^) movement controls and... guns. So, I get to walk around in the scenes I create, and immerse myself in them, through the pers ...
Picture: “Server Dust: Traverse”. ...
I usually find myself creating scenes along with Lua on a separate text editor window side-by-side with Garry’s Mod. If I want t ...
“... the 15-year-old [Garry’s Mod] engine is bound to ‘fight back’ when you make technical demands on it. To ‘beat it’, I find t ...
Pulling off tricks such as global illumination or ground tessellation is a headache, although admittedly rewarding. With the fut ...
(^) able to create a good ‘epic scale’ picture with depth fog and good detail? A week, a month, several years? Vioxtar: I’ve had ...
We have a short interview with one of the RPG industry’s leading map-makers, Steffen Brand. Steffan has worked on the highly-acc ...
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