Australian Wood Review - June 2018

(nextflipdebug5) #1 97


No matter how careful I am when cutting dominos there
is always some tuning up needed for the tenons to slide
neatly into the mortises. The middle mortise is wider to
avoid having to tune this one. Legs and rails were all fine
sanded prior to the glue-up and also the leg corners were
rounded over slightly with a small router cutter.

The first glue-up is for the legs to the long rails. Note that
a 5° angle packer is used between the clamp head and
wood to apply force evenly (photo 3).

The short side rails meet the tops of the legs at an angle,
due to the 5° cut on the leg ends, so this needs to be
allowed for (photo 4). The upper edge of the rail has to
sit proud enough so it can be planed at 5° level with the
top of the rails later. The complete assembly was glued
up and checked for square (photo 5).


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