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We are the Largest saLes and servicing Furuno deaLer in Louisiana, texas, Mississippi & aLabaMa How do you get to be #1? 512 ...
6 Louisiana Sportsman^ | April 2015 Volume 35 | Number 4 | April 2015 88 Butte La Rose bailout 108 Mangrove massacre Features: 5 ...
Volume 35 | Number 4 | April 2015 88 Butte La Rose bailout 108 Mangrove massacre Features: 51 Cracking the code Bluegill get mos ...
News Breakers: 36 Plan would end federal red snapper management ColumNs: DepartmeNts: Winter has finally broken, the water is wa ...
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10 Louisiana Sportsman^ | April 2015 E very now and then, amidst the partisan screaming and yelling on Capitol Hill, a piece of ...
12 Louisiana Sportsman^ | April 2015 To ThE EdiTor: My wife had subscribed to Louisiana Sportsman for me ever since I found it o ...
14 Louisiana Sportsman^ | April 2015 A n offshore trip is pricey, but when you get into a bunch of blackfin the payoff is a lot ...
April 2015 | Louisiana Sportsman April 2015 | Louisiana Sportsman April 2015 | Louisiana Sportsman ...
16 Louisiana Sportsman^ | April 2015 field notes A nybody who’s taken the time to learn to use a bait- caster has spent time cut ...
http://www.LouisianaSportsman.com April 2015 | Louisiana Sportsman 17 Langridge said. “In most saltwater applications, you’re no ...
18 Louisiana Sportsman^ | April 2015 field notes I t’s not unusual for anglers in Lake Pontchartrain to deal with a variety of c ...
http://www.bentmarine.com 104 Marina Del ray Dr. MaDisonville 985-845- Hours: Mon-Fri 8am - 6pm saturdays 9am - 4pm Financing av ...
20 Louisiana Sportsman^ | April 2015 field notes I can remember when I was in my mid-20s and decided I’d be a turkey hunter. I p ...
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