jigheads (particularly to Guy Micklewright) when using an extra fast version of the rod detailed below. A switch to a softer bla ...
W hat is a huchen? The huchen, also called the Danube salmon, is a big predatory fish, a member of the salmonidae family whose o ...
that you have enough room to do it. Longer length also improves mending of line and streamer. Lines Basic demands are given abov ...
three cases you can upgrade your presentation by the use of different density lines, positioning of rod tip and speed of retriev ...
LAS EVENT DETAILS http://www.stockfreeimages.com Eynsham on Thames Saturday March 14th, 10am-Dusk This is the day before the riv ...
I n November 2013 I thoroughly enjoyed my six days of fishing on the Essequibo River in Guyana – South America. I’d gone out the ...
The preferred way to be in the Essequibo River.... holding a 115lb Jau catfish The preferred way to be in TTheThhe eppreprrereef ...
us that, due to very low water, the Rupununi was not navigable so we’d have to drive from Annai further downstream to Kurupukari ...
casting lures to any feature such as rocks, fallen trees etc. could always produce a surprise species with many fish being preda ...
WITH BARRY ROBINSON I have been making my own lures using polyurethane resin for a couple of years now and although I still make ...
£ resin route I use a silicone with a shore rating of 20, there are varying types of silicone and the shore is used to describe ...
using a Vacuum pump I generally mix as fast and thoroughly as I can. I use a thick plastic ruler for this job; you will need to ...
CHECK OUT THE FULL RANGE OF CLOTHING ATGIFTS4ANGLERS.CO.UK PICS 18: Now we are ready to cut the lure free, because you lined up ...
A s I’ve written before, when you choose to lure fish is down to personal choice but for me the “season” is never over and I rel ...
£ Once bitten, twice shy... So what have I been up to? Well, through the colder months I still do lots of lure fishing and I’ve ...
experience is different from what I’ve written here as I know lots of people who regularly use all different types of lures with ...
D ear lure anglers, let me introduce you to one of the less known artificial lure producers, the IDRA company from Croatia. The ...
Custom built alloy reel seat on the TC Xzoga E very now and then you come across certain items of tackle that really make you sa ...
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