Lonely Planet India - August 2016

(lily) #1


Two hundred of the Gothic buildings in Fribourg
are under Federal protection. Your walkabout
should take you to the fortress of the founders
flanked by the town hall and the guards hall
all dating back to the Middle Ages; past Spouses
Alley through which couples just married at
the Town Hall walk to the St Nicholas cathedral
for a religious nuptial ceremony and past
the Cathedral itself built between 1283
and 1490 74m high its summit reached
by 365 steps. Ask about the “Rösti Border” on
the Sarine River the imaginary border so to say
between the Swiss-French and Swiss-German
parts of Switzerland. Walk through the Bern
Bridge one of the last bridges made of wood
dating back to the 17th century down Stalden
Street with its Fountain of the Samaritan
Woman at the bottom and onto Rue d’Or.
Look particularly on this “Golden Street”
up at the awnings of the houses and for the
statue of St Christopher with the child
Jesus – in the Middle Ages this was the sign
of a doctor’s house.


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