Practical Boat Owner - February 2016
had to find one,’ Dubois said. He found employment in a yard in Jersey, building and repairing boats. At the same time, he met r ...
to expand and flow smoothly, Dubois continued to enhance his reputation in the one-off racing boat field. In the 1970s and ’80s, ...
up the miles, looks gorgeous, is bulletproof and offers every home comfort. What’s not to like? ‘The later 43 Pilot Saloon has t ...
NEXT MONTH Charter boats: which type best suits your needs and sailing style? low and see the lines this way,’ he told me. These ...
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A leak-proof boat might seem like the holy grail – but it is achievable with patience and a thorough approach to problem solving ...
➜ HULL-DECK JOINT The area where the hull is joined to the deck is also a potential leak point, especially if the boat has been ...
ENGINE WATER PUMP As engine water pumps age, seals and metal components can wear, especially in silty water, and begin to drip. ...
Products and services PBO SKIPPER’S HANDBOOK Your quick- reference guide, featuring 64 pages of expert advice on Colregs, crui ...
calcareous deposits, including the calcium carbonate used to make barnacles and some tubeworms. If your seacocks and skin fittin ...
Ask the experts Q I am considering replacing the engine of our Westerly Konsort, and when I mentioned this to the boatyard engin ...
Ask the experts Q With no reefs, the main and genoa of my 8.5m (28ft) Westerly Merlin bilge-keeler Fauve are nicely balanced, so ...
Cruising Planning and undertaking an Atlantic crossing I f you’re considering an Atlantic crossing, or simply pushing the bounda ...
Cruising CASE STUDY SKIPPER: BRIAN ALDERSON STARLIGHT 39 RHUMB One of the oldest crews on one of the oldest boats, the 26-year-o ...
Planning and undertaking an Atlantic crossing ➜ CASE STUDY SKIPPER: NICK FABBRI SOUTHERLY 38 RUBY ROSE Nick Fabbri and his partn ...
Cruising SKIPPER: PAUL THOMPSON CONTESSA 32 PISCES Paul Thompson, from Dorchester, Dorset and David Everett from Adelaide, Austr ...
Planning and undertaking an Atlantic crossing 1 Ask ‘Is my rig up to this trip?’ before leaving the UK. The answer will probably ...
Gear J ust about every engine installed in a yacht or power boat has some degree of instrumentation, ranging from the basic rev ...
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