Saltwater Boat Angling — December 2017

(Barry) #1

28 Saltwater Boat Angling

Extreme weather conditions cut down my chances of
getting afloat during October

Will they, won’t they?
Will the cod return this year? That is the big question. I have heard reports of some being landed further west but so far
none off Eastbourne. Usually, by October the ledge that stretches out from the Beachy Head lighthouse will have pro-
duced several double figure cod and plenty of smaller ones, but not this year. I know it is just part of a cycle and they will
be back providing they have a good spawning season, but it does leave the small private boat angler scratching their
head as for what else to go for. No problem catching a load of whiting and dogfish, but with the bream, turbot and smooth
hound moving off to warmer water, it leaves a late session for plaice as the only answer and they will soon be gone.

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