Saltwater Boat Angling — December 2017

(Barry) #1


nce again claims are
being made about the
size of ‘record’ sharks, by
various individuals, and
WWIII has broken out
between the camps of followers of
the skippers involved.
‘Barry’s sh was much bigger than
that.’ - ‘David’s sh was nowhere
near that size.’ - ‘They used a broken,
rusty tape measure.’ - ‘They held
it nearer to the camera to make
it look bigger.’
All the usual accusations that surface
when a sh is caught that may beat
someone else’s record or personal best.
The truth of the matter is that there is
no accurate method of determining
of a shark’s weight except by tapping
it on the head and stringing it up on
scales and we really don’t want to go
back to that do we!
Even in the days when this happened,
cheating was not unknown. Rumours
were rife about sh, lead weights and
buckets of water being poured down
the throats of sharks prior to weighing.
This wasn’t just where record sh
were concerned, a couple of mackerel
might be stued down the throat to
nudge the shark just over the
qualifying weight of the SACGB.
To be fair, I have never seen any direct
evidence of this personally, because
most anglers and skippers are
basically honest people who value
the integrity of the sport, but there
was never any shortage of stories
describing these practices.
The only way to compare sh is to have
a standard method of reference and,
to some extent, this has already been
achieved with the majority of anglers
now using the LxGxG/800 formula:
length x girth x girth divided by 800
= lbs weight. (Length is nose to fork of
tail.) Does this give an accurate
calculation of weight? No, it doesn’t,
but it doesn’t really matter as long as
everyone uses the same standard
reference. Perhaps we should stop
calling the calculations lbs, maybe
just ‘units’ or something else.

The Shark Angling Club of Great
Britain has gone some way towards
standardizing the recording of shark
sizes by introducing the length plus
girth measurements for trophy and
notable sh claims, they have also

Measuring a blue shark

Time to shed

the pounds?

David Turner

tries to give

some clarity to

the controversy

over estimating

shark sizes

60 Saltwater Boat Angling

Issue 019 48-92.indd 60 10/11/2017 18:57:49

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