Sunday Magazine – August 25, 2019

(Michael S) #1
S MAGAZINE ★ 25 AUGUST 2019 35


physiotherapy, reiki and massage, but
using no oils, Jennifer-Lynn worked
across the front of my body, gently
easing and reorganising the area
around my collarbone and breastbone
in movements so subtle, I could
hardly feel them.
The sceptic in me lay there,
wondering if this was all a bit
woo-woo, until I stood up and felt
about six inches wider across my
shoulders. In just an hour, I’d
gone from round-shouldered to
open-chested and it felt good.
If that wasn’t enough, my second
session, in which Jennifer-Lynn
focused on my feet and legs, was
even more effective. I’d tripped and
twisted my right ankle while climbing
a mountain last summer and been
slightly wobbly ever since. But
once again, the tiniest of strokes,
sometimes carried out with pressure,
and now and again with what felt
like a sharp prod, but never painful,
worked nothing short of a miracle.
When I stood up, I felt balanced for
the first time in several years.
That night, at the theatre, instead
of dreading the steps with no rail
between the rows of seats, I walked
confidently down them, head held
high. In the interval, I stood with
a drink and felt grounded. They’re
simple things that we take for granted
when we can do them but when we
can’t, we develop a new normal and
adapt very quickly, often unknowingly.
In session three, Jennifer-Lynn
looked at my hips with a view to
improving sideways movements. Only
then did I realise I rarely moved from
side to side, because of a fear of
jarring my neck. But now, thanks to a
few tweaks, that option was there.
Rolfing has been known to help
people with complaints ranging from
anxiety to irritable bowel syndrome.
In my case, it left me feeling
pain-free, physically stronger, taller
and steadier – as if one of these
days, I might just roll around on the
floor laughing and not pay the price
for weeks afterwards.

Rolfing costs from £60 per session.
To book Jennifer-Lynn Crawford,
call 07947 507564 or visit to find a certified
practitioner near you.

ails you?

Jennifer-Lynn Crawford
works on a patient

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