Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


A key point is that natural selection and evolution are not the same thing. If
selection on a trait occurs but the trait is not inherited, then evolution will not hap-
pen. You will see in later chapters that natural selection is not the only factor that
can cause evolution, and so evolution can also occur even if selection does not. But
if the twin conditions listed above are met, then the population will change across
generations. To make that basic idea more quantitative, let’s now consider how to
measure selection, account for inheritance, and predict the outcome of evolution.

fitness: The Currency of Selection
To understand how evolution by selection works, we need a way to measure selec-
tion. An individual’s absolute fitness is the number of zygotes (offspring) produced
over its lifetime. If an immature butterfly is eaten by a bird, its fitness is 0. If an oak
tree survives many years, its fitness could easily be in the millions. (Just think of
the number of acorns produced by a big tree.) It is also useful to consider the fit-
ness of an allele, a genotype, or a phenotype. In those cases, fitness is the average
of the fitnesses of the individuals with that allele, genotype, or phenotype. We use
the symbol W to represent absolute fitness.
Over the life cycle of any organism, many events affect fitness. An embryo may
develop to sexual maturity or die before that happens. If it survives to maturity, the
individual may or may not be able to mate. If he or she does successfully mate, the
individual’s gametes may or may not be successful at fertilization. These various
events are called fitness components (FIGURE 5.5). They can be divided even more
finely, or grouped together, depending on the application. Often it is useful to sim-
plify our thinking by viewing fitness as the product of just two fitness components:

W = (probability that the individual survives to maturity)
× (expected number of offspring if the individual does survive)


The strength of selection is determined by fitness differences. It is the relative (or
proportional) differences that matter. To see why this is so, consider an individual
Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_05.04.ai Date 12-12-2016 01-06-17

(A) Without selection (B) With selection

Mean size of parents

Mean size of offspring

Die Survive




FIGURE 5.4 Evolution results when there is a correlation between the phenotypes of
parents and offspring and a correlation between the phenotypes of parents and their
fitness. Each dot represents a family. The horizontal axis shows the mean trait (in this case,
size) of the two parents, and the vertical axis the mean trait of their offspring. In both
panels, there is a correlation between the traits of parents and their offspring. (A) With no
selection, there is no evolution. The mean value of all offspring in the next generation,
O—, is the same as the mean value of all parents in the current generation, P—. No change
has happened. (B) When selection acts, evolution results. In this example, only the largest
individuals survive and become parents (solid circles to the right of the vertical dashed
line) that leave offspring. The mean trait in the offspring of the next generation is larger
than the mean of the parents before selection acted in the current generation.

FIGURE 5.5 Selection can affect fitness at
different points during the life cycle. This
sketch shows the life cycle of a sexually
reproducing species with four fitness com-
ponents that affect the number of descen-
dants that an individual leaves to the next
generation. (After [10].)

Futuyma Kirkpatrick Evolution, 4e
Sinauer Associates
Troutt Visual Services
Evolution4e_05.05_v1.ai Date 12-29-2016



Females Males





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