Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1
tigious scientific organization in the united
States, the national Academy of Sciences, and
the institute of Medicine of the national Acad-
emies. it is available at http://www.nap.edu.
Books and articles that address the relationship
between religion and evolution:
Finding Darwin’s God: A Scientist’s Search for
Common Ground between God and Evolution
(HarperCollins, new york, 1999), by Kenneth
Miller, a cell biologist at a leading university,
argues that one can fully accept evolution
and reconcile it with religion. See also his later
book, Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle
for America’s Soul (viking, new york, 2008).
Faith vs. Fact: Why Science and Religion Are
Incompatible, by Jerry Coyne (viking, new
york, 2015), rigorously argued and well written
by a prominent evolutionary biologist, is the
best exposition of this thesis.
Living with Darwin: Evolution, Design, and the
Future of Faith, by Philip Kitcher (oxford uni-
versity Press, new york, 2007), is a short reflec-
tion by an eminent philosopher on reconciling
evolution with our need for meaning in life,
whether this is provided by religion or other
sources of fulfillment.
denial of unwelcome science applies not only
to evolution, but also to climate change. For
the science, see Climate Change: Evidence
and Causes, by The Royal Society and the u.S.
national Academy of Sciences (national Acad-
emies Press, Washington, d.C., 2014; http://
Several excellent websites provide information
about evolution and can serve as valuable
teaching aids:
Biointeractive: Evolution (www.hhmi.org/bioin-
teractive/evolution-collection), from the How-
ard Hughes Medical institute, is an outstand-
ing collection of short films and interactive
features about evolution.
understanding Evolution (http://evolution.berke-
ley.edu) is an outstanding site, developed by
the university of California Museum of Pale-
ontology to provide content and resources for
teachers at all grade levels.
The national Center for Science Education (www.
ncse.com) actively supports the teaching of
evolution and combats creationism, as well
as climate-change denial. This is the most
comprehensive website on the conflict, and it
provides links to a great range of resources.

The Talkorigins Archive (www.talkorigins.org) has
a wealth of material on many aspects of evolu-
tion and the social controversy. it includes a
comprehensive list of creationist claims and
rebuttals to them, by Mark isaak, that is also
available in book form (M. isaak, The Counter-
Creationism Handbook, university of Califor-
nia Press, Berkeley, 2007).
Ken Miller’s Evolution Resources (www.mille-
randlevine.com/km/evol/) includes text, video
clips of interviews, and other material, espe-
cially on debunking creationist claims and on
Miller’s position that religion and evolution are
david Sloan Wilson’s site This view of life (https://
evolution-institute.org/this-view-of-life/) is
largely devoted to implications of evolution
for the social sciences and humanities.
The rap artist Baba Brinkman offers a quite dif-
ferent approach to the topic of evolution and
creationism at http://www.bababrinkman.com.
international darwin day (www.darwinday.org)
describes annual educational events held
around the world on or near the anniversary
of darwin’s birth (February 12).
Some references on applications of evolutionary
biology are:
The Evolving World: Evolution in Everyday Life, by
d. P. Mindell (Harvard university Press, Cam-
bridge, MA, 2006), and Pragmatic Evolution:
Applications of Evolutionary Theory, edited by
A. Poiani (Cambridge university Press, Cam-
bridge, uK, 2012).
on evolution and health, leading textbooks in-
clude Evolutionary Medicine, by S. C. Stearns
and R. Medzhitov (Sinauer, Sunderland, MA,
2016), Evolution and Medicine, by R. l. Perl-
man (oxford university Press, oxford, 2013),
and Principles of Evolutionary Medicine, by P.
Gluckman, A. Beadle, and M. Hanson (oxford
university Press, oxford, 2009). Also see Miss-
ing Microbes: How the Overuse of Antibiotics
Is Fueling Our Modern Plagues, by M. J. Blaser
(Henry Holt and Co., new york, 2014).
A huge literature concerns the evolution of hu-
man behavior. A very good introduction to the
major current approaches is Sense and Non-
sense: Evolutionary Perspectives on Human
Behaviour, by K. n. laland and G. R. Brown
(oxford university Press, oxford, 2011). Evo-
lutionary Psychology: An Introduction, by l.
Workman and W. Reader (Cambridge univer-
sity Press, Cambridge, 2008), is a comprehen-
sive textbook on this subject. The Blank Slate:

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