Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


Bristle number, 392
Bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva), 275, 276
Bristletails (Microcoryphia), 404
Britten, Roy, 374
Briza media (quaking grass), 285
Bromeliaceae, 473
Bromeliads, 285 , 472, 473
Brontosaurus, 456
Brood parasitism, 327–328
Brood size, 306
Brooke, Michael, 328
Brown algae, 440
Brown anole (Anolis sagrei), 278, 338, 339
Brown bear (Ursus arctos), 527
Brown booby (Sula leucogaster), 308
Brown-headed nuthatch (Sitta pusilla), 216
Bryophyllum, 373
Bryopsida, 446
Bryozoans (“moss animals”), 442 , 452, 509,
Bt. See Bacillus thuringiensis
Bubulcus ibis (cattle egret), 474
Buchnera, 322–323, 324 , 334
Buchnera aphidicola, 364
Buckwheat, 560
Bugs, 450
Buphagus erythorhynchus (red-billed
oxpecker), 320
Burrowing blind snakes, 62
Buss, David, 597
causes of genetic correlation in, 154–155
color patterns, 102
defensive mimicry, 328–329
evolution of mimetic patterns in, 521
evolution of novel features, 524
evolutionary constraints, 153, 154
habitat changes and dispersal, 205–206
introgression in, 218
phylogenetic niche conservatism, 532
phylogeny of insects, 450
positive frequency-dependent selection,
speciation genes, 242
species diversity and key adaptations, 503
wing spots and gene interactions, 388

Cabbage palm (Corypha utan), 283
Cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae), 524
Cactaceae, 470
Cacti, 55–56, 470
Cactospiza, 29
Cactus finches, 29
Caddisflies, 503
Caenorhabditis, 346
Caenorhabditis briggsae, 376, 377
Caenorhabditis elegans
common ancestry concept and, 581
effective population size estimation, 176
environmental disturbance and dispersal,
204, 205
number of protein-coding genes, 345, 346

Caenorhabditis remanei, 176
Calicalicus, 51
Callichthyidae, 473
Callinectes sapidus (blue crab), 288
Callithrix, 408
Callitroideae, 478
Callosobruchus maculatus, 278
Calment, Jeanne, 275
Calmodulin gene, 382
Calopteryx, 256
Calostoma cinnabarina, 190
Calsbeek, Ryan, 278
Camarhynchus, 29
Cambrian explosion, 442–443
Cambrian period, 433
“ecospace” used by marine animals, 497
extinction in, 444
life in, 434 , 444
origins of animal diversity, 442–443
patterns of diversity in, 495–496, 497
Camellia japonica (Japanese camellia),
Camellia weevil (Curculio camelliae), 325–326
Camels, 461 , 561
Camponotus inflatus (Australian honeypot
ant), 309
Campylopterus hemileucurus (violet
saberwing), 49
Canalization, 393
Cancer, 316, 591–592
Cancer cells, 299
Cancer therapies, 592
Candide (Voltaire), 582
Candoia aspera, 473
Cane toad (Rhinella marina), 206
Canine parvovirus, 334
Canine teeth, 340
Canis. See Dogs
Cannibalism, 314
Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer), 320
Capsiceae, 538
Captorhinids, 455
Captorhinomorphs, 450
Capybara, 471
Carangidae, 71
Carapace, 521, 522
Carapacial ridge, 521, 522
Carapidae, 508
Carbapenem resistance, 5
Carbon-14, 433
Carbon dioxide, 451
Carboniferous period, 434 , 449–450
Cardiac glycosides, 49–50, 329
Cardiovascular disease, 590
Carnivora, 408 , 461 , 462
Carnivorous tadpoles, 155
Carotenoids, 38–39
Carpals, 36
Carphophis amoenus (worm snake), 283
Carrying capacity, 282
Castellanos, Maria, 69
Castorocauda, 458
Catalytic RNA, 436–437
Catarrhini, 470, 548
Catfishes, 472

Catharopeza, 506
Cats, 408 , 461
Cattle, 462, 561
Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis), 474
Caulophyllum, 222
Cave fish, 152
Cave paintings, 546 , 566, 567
Cavia, 408
CCR5 protein, 353
Ceiba pentandra (kapok tree), 479
Celiac disease, 563
Cell adhesion proteins, 303–304
Cells, phylogenies of, 41
Cellulases, 350
Cenozoic era, 433
adaptive radiation of mammals, 460–463
modern world takes shape, 459–460
overview, 459
patterns of diversity in, 495–496
periods and epochs, 434
Pleistocene events, 463–465
Centromeres, 311
Century plants (Agave), 276
Cepaea nemoralis (grove snail), 117, 166
Cephalopods, 47
Cephalosporin resistance, 5
Ceratioidei, 251
Ceratophys ornata, 514
Ceratopsinae, 457
Cercomonads, 440
Cercopithecus atys (sooty mangabey), 4 , 5
Certhidea, 29
Cervical vertebrae, 72, 391
Cervus elaphus (red deer), 254–255
evolution of, 462, 520–521
lineage-through-time plots, 507
Cetartiodactyla, 408 , 461 , 462, 468
Chaetodipus intermedius (rock pocket mouse),
160 , 199, 200
Chamaecrista fasciculata (partridge-pea), 149,
Chance, natural selection and, 61
Chaos chaos, 345, 362
Character displacement, 73
Character identity networks, 529
Character states
defined, 36
evolution from pre-existing features and,
that are not adaptations, 68
apomorphic, 44–45
conservative, 43–44
defined, 36
differing rates of evolution in, 43–46
inferring the evolutionary history of, 41–42
novel, evolution of, 524–529
plesiomorphic, 44–45
vestigial, 44–45
Charales, 446
Charaphyte algae, 440
Cheater genotypes, 64, 334–335
Cheating, 597
Cheetahs, 326

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