Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


Competitive displacement, 508–510, 539
Competitive exclusion principle, 482, 483
evolutionary adaptations and, 68
evolutionary trends, 539–540
Concerted evolution, 352
Condylura cristata, 527
defined, 296
infanticide and siblicide, 306–307, 308
introduction, 295
between mates, 304–306
parent-offspring conflict, 308
Conger eel (Conger myriaster), 421
Conjugation, 88, 248
Conodonts, 443–444
Conservation, practical uses of evolutionary
biology, 587–588
Conservative characters, 43–44
on adaptive evolution, 389–391
defined, 389
on natural selection, 71–72
Continental plates, 432–433
Contingency, evolution and, 125, 540–541
Convergent evolution (convergence)
among human populations, 557
of assemblages of species, 341
Darwin on, 470
evidence for evolution, 45
homoplasy and, 47, 48–50, 405
mimicry, 327 , 328–329
quantitative traits and, 159–160
studying adaptations with the
comparative method, 421–423
Conway Morris, Simon, 540, 541
among unrelated individuals, 297–299
defined, 296
eusocial animals, 308–310
evolutionary stable strategies and, 299
introduction, 295
major evolutionary transitions and,
reciprocal, 298–300
social interactions and, 296–297
Copepods, 225 , 226, 234–235, 289, 290
Cope’s rule, 537
Cophomantini, 486
Copper tolerance, 72, 193, 198–199
Copulatory isolation, 221 , 223
Coral reefs, 444, 460
Coral snakes, 424
Corallus caninus (emerald tree boa), 473
dispersal, 193–194
life span, 275, 276
in the Mesozoic, 452
in the Ordovician, 444
uncertain origin of the Cnidaria, 441
Corcorax melanorhamphos (white-winged
cough), 67
Core jakobids, 440
Corn (Zea mays)
artificial selection, 150

domestication, 560 , 561
selective sweep in the domestication of,
southern corn leaf blight, 333, 586
teosinte and, 136
Corn earworm, 586
Cornu aspersum (garden snail), 169–170
Cornus (dogwoods), 484
Correlated traits, 150, 151–155
Correlational selection, 142–143
Corsica, 200
Corvus moneduloides (New Caledonian crow),
Coryanthes, 249
Corypha utan (cabbage palm), 283
Cosmides, Leda, 597
Cosmopolitan species, 471
Cost of reproduction, 277
Cowpea, 560
artificial selection, 149 , 150
phylogeny of mammals, 408 , 461
time of divergence from common
ancestor, 42
Cox, Robert, 278
Coypu, 471
CpG dinucleotides, 376
“Cradle” idea, 484
Cranioleuca sulphurifera, 483
Craspedites, 445
Creationist movement (creationism)
beliefs of, 577–578
failures of the argument from design,
opposition to evolution, 21
refuting the antievolutionary arguments
of, 575–577
Crenicichla, 284
Crepidula fornicata (slipper shell), 247, 287
Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary, 496
Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) mass extinction,
457, 459, 496, 498 , 500, 501
Cretaceous period
distribution of land masses in, 451
diversification of amniote vertebrates, 455
diversification of angiosperms, 453–454
diversification of insects, 454
K/Pg mass extinction, 457, 459, 496, 498 ,
500, 501
major events in, 434
marine life, 452
patterns of diversity in, 495–496
Crickets, 205, 206 , 253, 257
Crimean Tatar people, 556
Crinoids, 459, 499
CRISPR-Cas mechanism, 325, 376, 377 , 585,
Critical thermal maximum, 288, 289
Critical thermal minimum, 289
Crocodiles, 373 , 425
Crocodilians, 455 , 456
Crotalus, 425
Crotalus atrox (western diamondback
rattlesnake), 424
Crotalus horridus (timber rattlesnake), 424

Crotalus ruber (red diamondback rattlesnake),
Crotaphytus collaris (collared lizard), 283
Crown groups, 426
Crown Mammalia, 517–519
Crustaceans, 250 , 450
Cryogenian period, 434 , 441
Cryptodiran turtles, 510
Cryptophytes, 440
Cryptotis parva, 527
Crystallins, 347, 352
csA gene, 303–304
Ctenophora, 441
Cuculus canorus (cukoo), 327–328
Cucumber, 560
Cucurbitaceae (squashes), 286–287, 561
Cukoo (Cuculus canorus), 327–328
Culcitulisphaera revelata, 439
Culex pipiens, 200, 201
Cultural drift, 567
Cultural evolution, 41, 566–568, 596–598
Cultural inheritance, 61, 98
Cultural mutations, 567
defined, 61
evolution and, 41, 566–568, 596–598
phylogenetic analyses of, 419, 420
Cupedidae, 454
Cupressaceae, 477, 478
Cupressoideae, 478
Curculio camelliae (camellia weevil), 325–326
Curly palm (Howea belmoreana), 240
Currie, Thomas, 419, 420
Cyanide, 191, 192
Cyanidioschyzon, 346
Cyanobacteria, 316, 336, 438
Cyanolanius, 51
Cycads, 453
Cyclommatus metallifer, 372
Cyclostomes, 509
Cynodonts, 517 , 518, 519
CYP79D15 gene, 192
Cyphotilapia, 214
Cypraea mauritiana, 453
Cypresses, 477, 478
Cypripedium, 473
Cyrtocara, 214
Cyrtodiopsis (stalk-eyed flies), 311
Cystic fibrosis, 89
Cytochrome b gene, 39–40
Cytoplasmic male sterility, 312–313
Cytosine, 79
Cytosine methylation, 96–97, 376

Dactylorhiza sambucina (elderflower orchid),
Damselflies, 256
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), 263 , 264
Danio, 352
Daphnia. See Water fleas
Daphnia magna, 331–332, 333
Daphnia melanica, 156 , 393

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