Basic Concepts in Clinical Biochemistry-A Practical Guide.7z
For Urine Dilute urine 1:10 with distilled water and prepare protein-freefiltrate the same way as for serum. 24.5 Procedure Tak ...
Phosphorus amount in urine ¼ OD of testamount of standardðÞμg dilution factor 1000 OD of standardvolume of sample 1000 ∗ 1 ...
To Estimate the Amount of Total Cholesterol in Serum^23 23.1 Theory Cholesterol is a solid alcohol found exclusively in animals ...
23.2 Specimen Requirements Serum (fasting) or plasma (EDTA or heparin may be used but not oxalate,fluoride, or citrate). Serum i ...
Add 0.05 ml serum in 5 ml of precipitating reagent, mix well and keep for 5 min, and centrifuge it at 3000 rpm for 5 min. Take ...
To Estimate Total and Direct Bilirubin in Serum^24 24.1 Theory Bilirubin originates from breakdown of heme. It is a waste produc ...
24.3 Principle........................................ Bilirubin reacts with diazotized sulfanilic acid to produce a red-purple- ...
24.4 Reagents........................................ 1.Diazo reagent Sol. A–Dissolve 100 mg sulfanilic acid in 100 ml of 1.5% H ...
24.6 Calculations Plot a graph by taking bilirubin amount at x-axis vs absorbance at y-axis, and extrapolate bilirubin concentra ...
In hepatic jaundice, conjugated bilirubin decreases along with decreased excre- tion of bilirubin. The concentration of total b ...
To Determine Alanine and Aspartate Transaminase Activity in Serum^25 25.1 Theory Transaminases are tissue-specific intracellular ...
proportional to the enzyme activity which is measured at 540 nm and compared with pyruvic acid standard. C=O + (^) H 2 N− NO 2 C ...
27.5 Procedure Take a set of nine test tubes, and label them as blank, standard (S 1 – S 6 ), test (T), and control (C). Add 10 ...
25.6 Calculation To measure AST and ALT activities, pyruvate is used as the standard. In theoretical terms, for AST assay oxaloa ...
To Estimate the Activity of Alkaline Phosphatase in Serum^26 26.1 Theory Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is a membrane-bound enzyme p ...
Phenyl phosphate! ALP,pH 10 PhenolþPhosphate Phenolþ4-aminoantipyrine! Potassium ferricyanide Orangeredcomplex 26.4 Reagents.... ...
Potassium ferricyanide (ml) 1 11111111 Mix and read the absorbance at 520 nm 26.6 Calculations The enzyme activity is calculated ...
To Estimate the Activity of Acid Phosphatase in Serum^27 27.1 Theory The greatest activity of acid phosphatase (ACP) occurs in s ...
29.5 Procedure Procedure is the same as explained for ALP activity except the use of citrate buffer instead of carbonate-bicarbo ...
To Determine Serum and Urinary Amylase Activity^28 28.1 Theory Amylases are a group of hydrolyzing enzyme which hydrolyzes starc ...
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