Materiality and the Modern Cosmopolitan Novel

(Romina) #1

198 Notes

4 5. M i c h e l F o u c a u l t , Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the
Age of Reason (Oxford: Routledge, 2001), p. 109.
46. J ü rg Zutt, “ Ü ber den seelischen Gesundheitszustand der Berliner
Bev ö lkerung in den vergangenen Jahren und heute,” Ä rztliche
Wochenschrift , 1 (1946), 248–250 (p. 250).
47. Stef Craps, “Linking Legacies of Loss: Traumatic Histories and Cross-
Cultural Empathy in Caryl Phillips’s Higher Ground and The Nature
of Blood,” Studies in the Novel, 40 (2008), 191–202 (p. 195).
4 8. M i c a N a v a , Visceral Cosmopolitanism: Gender, Culture and the
Normalisation of Difference (Oxford: Berg, 2007), p. 8.
49. Lauren Berlant, “Compassion and Withholding,” in Compassion:
The Culture and Politics of an Emotion , ed. Lauren Berlant (London:
Routledge, 2004), pp. 1–13 (p. 7).
50. Bertolt Brecht, Brecht On Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic , ed.
and trans. John Willett (New York: Hill and Wang, 1992), p. 14.
51. Douglas Robinson, Estrangement and the Somatics of Literature: Tolstoy,
Shklovsky, Brecht (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008),
p. 207.
5 2. I b i d.
53. See Kathleen Woodward, “Calculating Compassion,” in Compassion:
The Culture and Politics of an Emotion , ed. Lauren Berlant (London:
Routledge, 2004), pp. 59–86 (p. 63).
5 4. M a r t h a N u s s b a u m , Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of
Reform in Liberal Education (Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
1997), p. 91.
5 5. L e v i n a s , To t a l i t y , p. 51.
5 6. M a c h e r e y , Materialist , p. 98.
57. Schatteman, Describing the Master Narrative, p. 53.
58. Hilary Mantel, “Black Is Not Jewish,” Literature Review , 1 February
1997, p. 39.
59. Wendy Zierler, “My Holocaust Is Not Your Holocaust: ‘Facing’ Black and
Jewish Experience in The Pawnbroker , Higher Ground , and The Nature of
Blood ,” Holocaust and Genocide Studies , 18.1 (2004), 46–67 (p. 63).
6 0. R o b i n s o n , Estrangement , p. 210.
6 1. I b i d.
6 2. S e e C r a p s , Linking Legacies, p. 200.
6 3. A n n e F r a n k , Diary of a Young Girl (San Jose: Maple Press, 2008),
pp. 329–330.
6 4. C r a p s , Linking Legacies, p. 200.
6 5. J a m e s o n , Political, p. 35.

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