Contributions from European Symbolic Interactionists Reflections on Methods
deeper both methodologically and in terms of the subject matter. (A third essay will be about thedeepestplay possible, a religio ...
So what is “deep play”? Geertz uses the concept of “deep play,” which he finds in Bentham’s (1931, 1962, 2009, pp. 130133) TheT ...
a complete critique of Geertz’s philosophical assumptions would involve a significant challenge to the assumption Bentham makes ...
views on “Interpretivism” are definitely regarded as important. He is widely admired in the humanities as a great stylist. He is ...
anthropologist is not only a field-worker but also an “author” (Geertz, 1965, 1988). As an author he or she carries intellectual ...
methodology in a somewhat abstract manner let me pause a bit and pro- vide a bit of background. I hope that this anecdotal infor ...
my forehead was a visible sign (Merleau-Ponty, 1964). Wearing that mark meant: I had at the very least been receptive. I had bee ...
precolonial Javanese calendar, but the two calendars seemed quite esoteric. They did not seem worth much time and effort. Why wa ...
told some acquaintances at the hotel where I was staying where I was going that evening they wished me well. But they indicated ...
and even older sources (van Bloemen Waanders, 1859; Korn, 1932; Stutterheim, 1930) can be regarded as very important. WHY SHOULD ...
hotels. No, the reason for studying Bali ethnographically using a Symbolic Interactionist approach has to do with the desire on ...
them Christmas is just a day for gift giving and Easter has no significance at all. (Easter is actually the more important holy ...
It is actually beside the point to ask a question like: “Is Christmas more important than the Super Bowl?” Is the odalan more im ...
associated with the full moon and some are associated with nights where the moon is dark. In practically every village cluster t ...
at one specific time is only a small part of what I think I know about the village anniversary “birthday” celebration more gener ...
All of the outward show is related to the key feature of an odalan, which is bringing the gods down to the temple. The priest (o ...
example, a very sensitive topic is erotic desire and sexuality. The excellent work done byBoellstorff (2007)ontransvestitism (th ...
What was the cause of the commotion? The men had come to the house- hold to speak with Geertz about news they had heard on the r ...
summarizes very complex topic extremely well. It would be a lie to pretend that everything I know about Bali was a direct result ...
one reason some anthropological researchers have been somewhat critical of Geertz’s approach to the study of Bali (Howe, 2001). ...
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