The Rise and Fall of Meter

(Tina Sui) #1

266 index

Hopkins, Gerard Manley (continued) of,
56, 58–60, 218–19n55; language theo-
ries, 55; C. Day Lewis on, 180; metrical
experiments and, 11, 87, 180; metrical
markings and, 49, 50, 54–61, 64, 68–71,
74–78, 215n10-11, 215n13, 216n29; on
Milton’s prosody, 82; on nature, 70; on
Parmenides, 54–55; patterns theory, 56;
on performance, 71, 75–76; on poetry in
public culture, 48–49; poetry of, 48–49,
77, 84, 215n6, 220n73; on Alexander
Pope, 71; religion theory, 56; rhythmic
experiments of, 82; on self and the object
world, 73; sprung rhythm of, 5, 11, 46,
49, 51, 54, 60–61, 68, 82; on stress, 55–
56, 63–68, 70, 72–73, 220n70; theories
of instress and inscape, 54–55, 70–71,
216n25; translations of metrical form
and, 6; use of “white birch,” 216n32; use
of word “nibs,” 218–19n55; vocal perfor-
mance of poems, 76; on writing poetry,
78; written word and, 54
Hopkins, Gerard Manley, literary criticism
of: “Rhythm and other Structural Parts,”
Hopkins, Gerard Manley, poetry of: “The
Caged Skylark,” 240n17; “Easter Com-
munion,” 215n14; “Floris in Italy,”
216n29; “Harry Ploughman,” 75, 77; “O
Deus, ego amo te,” 57–58, 64; Poems, 49,
199; “Rosa Mystica,” 65; “St. Dorothea,”
56, 58, 59, 216n32; “Spelt from Sybil’s
Leaves,” 64, 75–77, 240n19; “Spring
and Fall,” 50–51; “The Windhover,”
83–86; “The Wreck of the Deutschland”
(see “Wreck of the Deutschland, The”
Horace, 95, 155, 175, 198
“Horatius” (Macaulay), 236n13
Horn, Pamela, 118, 119, 229–30n32,
Hughes, Linda K., 199
Hughes, Tom, 18
Hugh Sewlyn Mauberly (Pound), 186
Hulme, T. E., 3
Hydra (magazine), 13, 159, 165–66, 168,
169 , 170–71
Hynes, Samuel, 148

iambic pentameter: in “Dulce et Decorum
Est,” 173–75; Englishness of, 10; Meynell

and, 201; perceived naturalness of, 10;
in “Poor Poll,” 197; Pound on, 3, 4, 183;
Saintsbury on, 101, 102, 137
Iliad (Homer), 21
imperial verses, 124
India, education in, 7
individual rhythm, 181–82
inscape, 54, 57–60, 70–71, 78, 216n25
instability: grammatical, 39–42; metrical,
42–47; modern, 1–5; of poetry, 203; of
prosody, 35, 203
instress, 54–60, 62, 68, 70–74
Introductions to the Art of Reading with En-
erg y and Propriety (Rice), 211n43
“Invitation, An” (Barbauld), 16
Island Race, The (Newbolt), 124–25

Jamison, Anne, 199
Jarvis, Simon, 15
jingles, mnemonic, 19
jingoism, 123, 232n60
Johnson, Samuel, 8, 36, 211n43

Kay-Shuttleworth, James, 227n7
Kipling, Rudyard, 120–21, 141, 230n35,
Kipling, Rudyard, poetry of: “Barrack-
Room Ballads,” 125; “The English Flag,”
120; “Lord Roberts,” 118; “McAndrews
Hymn,” 120; “Recessional,” 119–22,
230n33; “The Song of the English,” 120

Ladies’ Greek (Prins), 199
Lad’s Drill Association, 118
“Lance and Nails” (meditation point),
218n45, 218n52
Langland, William, 74
language: discipline of, 105; English lan-
guage (see English language); Greek lan-
guage, 42, 105, 107, 226n72; Hopkins’s
theories on, 55; language study, 32; Latin
language, 42, 105, 107
Lanier, Sidney, 6, 101
Latin grammar, 97
Latin hexameter, 24
Latin language, 42, 105, 107
“Laws of Verse, The” (Meynell), 199
Layamon’s Brut, or Chronicle of Britain (Lay-
amon), 23
Lays of Ancient Rome (Macaulay), 22–23,
209n11, 236n13
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