The Rise and Fall of Meter

(Tina Sui) #1

index 265

Grammar of English Grammars (G. Brown),
Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue (Rask),
Granny’s History of England in Rhyme
(Bourne), 32, 117
grave accents, 56, 216n29
Graves, Robert, 146, 153–58, 177
Great War and Modern Memory, The (Fus-
sell), 147, 148
Greek language, 42, 105, 107, 226n72
Greek verse, 90, 94
Grey, Richard, 23–26, 27
Griffiths, Eric, 51–52, 215n14
Gross, John, 229n20
Growth of Love, The (Bridges), 81–82, 86,
221n4, 221n6, 222n13
Grundriss der englishchen metrik (Schip-
per), 45
Guest, Edwin, 43, 96, 111, 224n47. See also
History of English Rhythms, A (Guest)
Guillory, John, 16, 226n1
Gummere, Frances, 101
Gunston, Leslie, 164–65

Hall, Catherine, 29
Hardy, Thomas, 6, 111, 140–41, 234n75,
Hardy, Thomas, poetry of: “Men Who
March Away,” 137, 140; “The Sergeant’s
Song,” 139; “Song of the Soldiers,” 137–
39; “The Voice,” 234n77; Wessex Poems,
139, 234n78
Hardy’s Metres and Victorian Prosody ( Ta y-
lor), 15, 208n25
Harrington, Emily, 199
“Harry Ploughman” (Hopkins), 75, 77
Hartman, Geoffrey, 66
Haselwood, Joseph, 23, 209n12
Headlam, James Wycliff, 224n53
Health and Conduct (Brock), 161
hearing, 51–52, 101. See also aural percep-
tion; English ear
Heart Beats (Robson), 15
Heathorn, Stephen, 118
Hemans, Felicia, 116, 117
heroic meter, 21, 38
heroic poetry, 38, 115
Higgins, Lesley, 53
Hipp, Daniel, 175
Hippolytus (Euripides), 192

history: ancient history, 27; discipline of, 23,
210n26; English, 23, 27–28, 32; memo-
rization and, 29; midcentury national
obsession with, 29; teaching of, 19–20
History of Elizabethan Literature (Saints-
bury), 95–96
History of England (Turner), 36–37
History of England, The (Montefiore), 31
History of English Criticism, A (Sainstbury),
History of English Poetry, A (Warton),
History of English Prosody from the Twelfth
Century to the Present Day, A (Saints-
bury), 96–97, 99, 101, 102–4, 108,
History of English Rhythms, A (Guest), 43,
44, 46, 73, 221n79, 224n48
History of English Versification, A (Schipper),
History of Nineteenth-Century Literature, A
(Saintsbury), 96
History of the Kings and Queens of England
in Verse (Rossendale), 30–31
Holland, Norah, 231n55
Hollander, John, 43
“Hollyhock Song” (Tennyson), 101
Holmes, Edmond, 230n41
Homer, 5, 21
homosexual identification, 198
Hope for Poetry, A (C. D. Lewis), 180
Hopkins, Gerard Manley: on accent, 70;
Anglo-Saxonism and, 49, 74; on arsis and
thesis, 217n43; attempts at new metrical
system, 46–47; on Barnes, 74; biographi-
cal details, 49, 52, 55–56, 180, 225n68;
Bridges and, 67, 219n59; on Christ’s
passion, 218n50; correspondence with
Bridges, 83, 84, 220n73; correspondence
with Dixon, 61, 68, 82; correspondence
with Dolben, 60; correspondence with
Patmore, 52, 68–72, 74, 219–20n64;
criticism on, 49–52, 66; English language
and, 53, 56; on English poetry, 52–53;
on Essay on English Metrical Law, 72;
fascination with markedness of nature,
59–60; on flick, fleck, and flake, 65; on
The Growth of Love, 81, 221n6; history
of words and, 74; ideologies of English
meter and, 11; interest in English soil,
219n56; isolation of, 77, 78; journals
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