The Rise and Fall of Meter

(Tina Sui) #1

index 271

96; in Latin, 94, 182, 232n63; Pound
and, 182; Saintsbury on, 95–96, 212n66;
Sheridan and, 40–41; Stone and,
232n63; theory of, 41

Ramsay, Allan, 6
Rask, R. K., 74
“Rationale of Verse” (Poe), 45
Raymond, George, 29–30
Read, Herbert, 207n8
Realms of Verse, The (Reynolds), 240n23
“Recessional” (Kipling ), 119–22, 230n33
recitation, 111, 113, 118
recitation readers, 113
Reform Act (1867), 4
Reform Bill (1832), 33
Reliques of Ancient Poetry (Percy), 36
“Renascence, A” (Graves), 155
“Repression of War Experience” (Rivers),
“Repression of War Experience” (Sassoon),
“Retrospect, A” (Pound), 183, 186, 187
Revised Code (1861–62), 31, 32, 111,
Reynolds, Matthew, 240n23
Rhetorical Grammar (Sheridan), 38
Rhymer’s Lexicon, The (Loring ), 97, 99
rhythm: absolute rhythm, 181; accent-
based English rhythm, 227n6; Arnold
on, 117; emphatic rhythm, 19; English
rhythm, 96, 130, 227n6; free rhythm,
106, 226n76; individual rhythm, 181–
82; modulated rhythm, 6, 19; natural
rhythm, 19; Newbolt and, 126, 130, 131,
133, 135, 136, 139; Pound on, 181–83,
187; prosody and, 94; stressed rhythm,
91, 111–12; trochaic rhythm, 102; uni-
fying rhythms, 126; universal rhythm,
“Rhythm and Other Structural Parts” (Hop-
kins), 54
Rhythm and Will in Victorian Poetry (Camp-
bell), 240n23
rhythmic movement, 118
Rice, John, 211n43
Richards, I. A., 49–51
Rifle Volunteer Movement, 226n71
Rivers, W.H.R.: about, 146; anxiety neurosis
and, 158; cartoon of, 166, 167 ; Freud-
ian therapy and, 146–47; methods of,

237n34; repression and, 159, 168; Sas-
soon on, 161
Roberts, Earl, 118
Roberts, Mary Eleanor, 136
Robertson, Forbes, 153
Robinson, F. Mary, 6
Robson, Catherine, 15, 31
romances, metrical, 208n9
“Rosa Mystica” (Hopkins), 65
Ross, Robert, 145
Rossendale, A., 30–31
Rossetti, Christina, 6, 199
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 6
Rudy, Jason, 15, 199
“Rural Economy” (Blunden), 147–48
Ruskin, John, 216n25

“St. Dorothea” (Hopkins), 56, 58, 59,
St. George’s Day and Other Poems (Newbolt),
St. James Gazette, 126
Saint Mary the Virgin’s (parish), 216n32
St. Michael’s (parish), 216n32
St. Peter’s Rectory, 216n32
Saintsbury, George: Anglo-Saxonism and,
98, 101; career of, 97; education of, 95,
105, 225n68; English ear and, 99–102;
on English literary study, 98; on English
meter, 97, 98, 101–3, 107, 108; English-
ness and, 97, 99, 100, 108; English pros-
ody and, 95–97, 108; on English verse,
97; foot-based system and, 80, 99–103;
on Hopkins’s poems, 215n6; on iambic
pentameter, 101, 102, 137; on Lindley
Murray, 212n66; on Patmore’s metrical
interventions, 213n76; Prins on, 101;
prosody wars and, 80, 104; on quantita-
tive verse, 95–96, 212n66
Saintsbury, George, literary criticism of:
“English Versification,” 97; History of
Elizabethan Literature, 95–96; A History
of English Criticism, 96; A History of Eng-
lish Prosody from the Twelfth Century to
the Present Day, 96–97, 99, 101, 102–4,
108, 212n66; A History of Nineteenth-
Century Literature, 96; A Short History of
English Literature, 96
Samson Agonistes (Milton), 82, 89, 90
Sassoon, Siegfried, 146, 159–61, 168, 176–
78, 199
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