The Rise and Fall of Meter

(Tina Sui) #1

270 index

Poems Written in 1913 (Bridges), 185
“Poet, The” (Emerson), 45
Poetical Chronolog y of the Kings of England
(anonymous), 26, 209n16
Poetical Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins
(MacKenzie), 215n11, 218–19n55
Poetic Chronolog y of Ancient and English His-
tory, A (Valpy), 24, 26–27, 209n16
Poetic Meter and Poetic Form (Fussell), 147
Poetics en Passant ( Jamison), 199
“Poet in Pain, The” (Owen), 158
Poetry and Drama, 105, 181, 226n74
poetry and poems: Anglo-Saxon poetry,
36, 37, 74; ballad poetry, 115, 124; as
civilizing power, 110; defined in NED,
135; English poetry, 52–53, 90, 109–10,
122; Georgian poetry, 145; Greek verse,
90, 94; heroic poetry, 38, 115; impe-
rial verses, 124; instability of, 203; Irish
writers and, 228–29n18; lyric poetry, 39;
memorization, 113, 116; patriotic poems
(see patriotic poems); in public culture,
48–49; recitation and, 113; standardiza-
tion of form, 34; unified English speech
in, 17–18; vernacular poetics, 226n1;
verse as opposed to, 11, 13, 20, 32, 112,
114, 140; Victorian poetry, 51–52; war
poetry, 136, 137, 139, 140–43, 145–50,

  1. See also poets; soldier poets and
    Poetry in the Light of War (Spurgeon),
    Poetry Review, 226n74
    Poetry Society, 226n74
    poets: soldier poets, 12–13, 145–50, 162,
    181; Spasmodic poets, 6; women poets,
    13, 198–99
    Poets and Poetry of the Century (Miles), 49
    “Poor Poll” (Bridges), 13, 188–98, 203
    Pope, Alexander, 71
    Pope, Jessie, 71, 111, 136, 208n15, 232n60
    Pound, Ezra: Anglo-Saxonism and, 186;
    Beasley on, 3; on Bridges, 13, 182–87;
    dialects and, 194; Eliot on, 187; Eng-
    lish verse forms and, 79; free verse and,
    184; on iambic pentameter, 3, 4, 183;
    quantitative verse and, 182; on rhythm,
    181–83, 187
    Pound, Ezra, poetry of: Hugh Sewlyn Mau-
    berly, 186; Pisan Cantos, 112, 183
    Pound, Ezra, prose of: “A Few Don’ts,” 181;

“Prolegomena,” 181; “A Retrospect,” 183,
186, 187
Practical Criticism (Richards), 50, 51
Prefatory Study on English Metrical Law
(Patmore), 46, 68, 213n75, 219n62
Preston, Carrie, 199
Priestley, Joseph, 37–38
Prins, Yopie, 5, 15, 43, 101, 199
Printed Voice of Victorian Poetry, The
(Griffiths), 51–52
“Prolegomena” (Pound), 181
Prolusions (Capell), 209n12
pronunciation: accent and, 38; Bridges on,
132; emphasis in, 38, 39, 41; English ear
and, 101; Lindley Murray on, 39–40,
101; in prosody, 40; reforms, 98, 195;
vs. scansion, 100; standardization of, 35;
universal pronunciation, 52; versification
and, 41
propaganda: Bridges and, 112, 234n75;
Hardy and, 140, 234n75; Kipling and,
234n75; Newbolt and, 123, 127, 130,
140, 234n75; office of, 112, 123, 127,
137, 140, 234n75. See also Masterman
Group; Wellington House
prosody: Anglo-Saxon prosody, 74, 221n76;
classical prosody, 99, 107; English gram-
mar and, 34; English prosody, 95–98, 99,
107, 108, 177; evolution of, 132, 133 ; in
grammar books, 34, 35, 37, 113; histories
of, 96, 202, 204; instability of, 35; Mil-
ton’s prosody, 82, 88, 89, 107; pronun-
ciation in, 40; prosodic ordering, 147;
regularity of, 208n7; rhythm and, 94;
term, 18–19, 32, 39; Victorian prosody,

  1. See also prosody wars
    Prosody of Paradise Regained and Samson
    Agonistes, The (Bridges), 89
    prosody wars: Andrews and, 98; Bridges
    and, 79, 80, 104; English meter and, 98;
    Guest and, 96, 111; pedagogical model
    for meter and, 108; performance and, 35;
    Saintsbury and, 80, 104; Skeat and, 92,
    96; Victorian grammar books and, 19
    Pygmalion (Shaw), 98

quantitative verse: Bridges and, 94, 106,
232n63; Goold Brown on, 44, 213n74;
definition of, 39, 40, 41, 44, 95; in Eng-
lish, 17–18, 38; Fussell’s theory of, 9, 17;
in Greek, 94, 182, 232n63; Guest on,
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