APRIL 2016 | 39
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Friday: Sponsors and Sweeps Ride. Meet at gate 8:30 or 1pm or from 4pm Friday. UHF 16. Lunch provided.
Saturday: Two loops approx 50km each. Scrutineering starts 8am, ride starts 9am, loops close 3pm.
Sunday: Two loops approx 50km each. Scrutineering starts 8am, ride starts 9am, loops close 3pm.
Beginners entry level ride: using the corner man system starts at 2pm Sat & Sun.
A Skills Session each morning at 11:00am.
- Sponsors and Sweeps do not receive DSMRA membership, raffle tickets
or subscriptions. - Sponsors are employees of their relevant company.
- Sponsors need to be aware that the Kowen Forest Ride area is a
dangerous area with additional risks of isolation and event related
risks. - Please ensure your goods are secured at all time. DSMRA accepts no
liability for lost or stolen goods.- It is a requirement that all riders are members of the
DSMRA. Please do not ride unless you are a member of
the DSMRA or riding at this event is specifically covered
under your employment contract and employees
- It is a requirement that all riders are members of the
- You must be licensed, wear a suitable helmet and your bike must be
registered (proof of rego must be supplied for scrutineering) & ACT road
use conditions apply. - Gates open from 4pm Friday but are locked at 11pm each night.
- Fires must be in fire buckets and no pets.
- Food, meals & snacks can be purchased onsite from Vietnam Vets.
Coffee, cakes & ice creams are also available. - You may bring your own food and drink: NO GLASS
- Please camp near the main event area.
- A limited number of shirts will be available for sale at the
ride. - The ride may be cancelled or postponed on short notice
due to weather conditions. Check website before
travelling to the ride. - Entry subject to Supplementary Regulations
(seewww.dsmra.asn.aufor further information)
Sponsor Company:
First Name: Surname: Licence No:
Town/Suburb: State: Postcode: Make:
Phone (H) Phone (W): Phone (M): Model:
Email Rego:
Date of Birth / / Shirt size (XSā5XL): DSMRA Memb No: Rego State:
Sponsor/Volunteer Role (circle appropriate): Sponsor
Store / Sweep / Beginners Ride / Gates / DSMRA Corner / Other:
Return to: DSMRA Kowen Entries. PO BOX 1069. Belconnen ACT 2616
Email:[email protected]
Kowen Enquiries: PH: 0490 456 041