Encyclopedia of Fantasy and Horror Fiction
enable her to raise the dead, although she supports herself by hunting down renegade vampires who put themselves outside the pro ...
engaging sequel. Fortunately, she did just that, bringing back all the familiar characters, major and minor, and introducing a n ...
length and complexity of the novel. The fifth in the series, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, was released in 2003. Tw ...
Harry has to fight his way through all these distractions and prepare to thwart Voldemort’s next attack, and for the first time ...
that Voldemort has somehow returned and that he is looking for a magical artifact hidden somewhere in the school, so he decides ...
Italian immigrant area, from among which build- ings he sees the tower of an elderly church. Blake grows increasingly intrigued ...
story of a particularly nasty serial killer. His third novel was the first to use ghosts as its supernatural menace. In The Nigh ...
other reflecting surfaces and eventually solve the mystery of her identity. Hautala has also written a considerable number of sh ...
conceal his intentions as he ingratiates himself with the man, striving to win his confidence. Even- tually the plan reaches fru ...
rator is reincarnated in the body of a stray dog, in which form he seeks out his family and subse- quently solves his own murder ...
for the almost equally good Gypsy(1992), placing a gypsy with sorcerous powers in the midst of politicians and crime lords. Ogde ...
phenomena, including visions of a world ruled by Vikings, and later suspects that he is involuntarily the instrument of an ancie ...
The popularity of the psychic detective John Silence, the protagonist in a series of stories by Al- gernon BLACKWOOD, resulted i ...
yond its present limits and that she will eventually achieve the wider recognition her work deserves. Holdstock, Robert (1948– ) ...
fantasy for Expecting Someone Taller(1987). Funny fantasy was already quite popular in England at the time thanks to Terry PRATC ...
the narrator’s theories. Although it acts much like a vampire, drawing sustenance from its vic- tim’s neck, it seems to be takin ...
most readers, but other segments remain just as trenchant as they were when originally written. A handful of later novels were i ...
whose adventures were brought together as Tigers of the Sea(1974), Hawks of Outremer(1979), and Cormac Mac Art(1995). Andrew J. ...
the final pages David receives a message from the abbot telling him that they have secured their pris- oner again. Beaumont’s lo ...
Nights–style adventures and dangers. Masters of Sleep(1950) is an inferior sequel. Hubbard also wrote several shorter pieces, so ...
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