Case Studies in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Second Edition

(Michael S) #1


Ta n ner, D. C.
Case Studies in Communication Sciences and Disorders,
Second Edition (pp. 185-189).

(^) © 2017 SLACK Incorporated.
Footnotes, the little dogs yapping at the heels of the text.
— William James
Alvarez, L., & Kolker, A. (1987). American tongues: A film. New York, NY: Center for New American Media.
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    American Speech- Language- Hearing Association. (2015). Vocal cord paralysis. Retrieved from http:// www. asha. org
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    Carpenter- Thompson, J. R., McAuley, E., & Husain, F. T. (2015). Physical activity, tinnitus severity and improved quality
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    Catts,  H. (1996). Defining dyslexia as a developmental language disorder: An expanded view. Topics in Language
    Disorders, 16(2), 14–29.
    Cefalu, C. (1999). Appropriate dysphagia evaluation and management of the nursing home patient with dementia. Annals
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    Chomsky, N. (1980). Human language and other semiotic systems. In T. A. Sebok & J. U. Sebok (Eds.), Speaking of apes:
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    Code,  C., Hemsley,  G., & Herrmann,  M. (1999). The emotional impact of aphasia. Seminars in Speech and Language,
    20 (1), 19 –31.
    Crichton- Smith,  I. (2002). Communicating in the real world: Accounts from people who stammer. Journal of Fluency
    Disorders, 27(4), 333–352.
    Culbertson,  W., Christensen,  S., & Tanner,  D. (2013). Anatomy and physiology study guide for speech and hearing (2nd
    ed.). San Diego, CA: Plural.

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