OM Yoga UK - August 2017

(Greg DeLong) #1

Awe-inspiring retreats and ideas for yoga explorers


The sacred feminine

Mandala Yoga Ashram’s Festival of Yoga 2017

Once women were at the centre of spiritual practice in many ancient
traditions across the globe, at a time when there was a strong
matriarchal influence. It is only over the last few thousand years that
most religions and spiritual systems, including yoga, have come to
be framed in masculine terms by men.
Join like-minded yogic practitioners to share your vision of female
spirituality and how it can be fully expressed and disseminated in
modern society at the Mandala Yoga Ashram’s Festival of Yoga 2017
in Carmarthenshire, Wales later this month.
A range of workshops with speakers from across the world will
discuss topics such as female spiritual role models, moving beyond
the suppression of of female creativity and sexuality, and promoting
the sacred feminine in the modern world and within yoga.

The Sacred Feminine: Spirituality from a Feminine
Perspective. August 26-30
Camping for families and some childcare provision
available. Costs: £245/295 (with a deposit of £100 to
confirm your place)

Mandala Yoga Ashram provides an ideal place for an exchange of
hearts to learn from each other and to discuss the significance of
female spirituality and its meaning today.
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