OM Yoga UK - August 2017

(Greg DeLong) #1

Stories from around the weird and

wonderful world of yoga

Planet yoga

Kitten yoga
Warning: extreme cuteness alert! A yoga and Pilates teacher in
Knoxville, Tennessee has introduced kittens to her summer classes.
During the sessions, instructor Susie Kaplar gives her students all the
usual stretching, twisting and breathing exercises, plus close contact
with a bunch of cuddly kittens. As students run through their yoga
routines, the kittens run, jump and play havoc among the exercise
mats. Unbelievably cute and highly Instagram-worthy. And guess
what? All the classes have all sold out. “I love animals and I like to
exercise,” said one student. “Put the two together and it’s irresistible.”

Aiming high
Brazilians have found a creative use
of idle space on some of the capital’s
skyscrapers, after recession hit demand
for helicopter flights in the country. Yoga
fans have taken to helipads on top of
big Sao Paulo tower blocks, such as the
Tivoli Hotel, to roll out their mats for
a few Downward Dogs. The number of
helicopter take-offs and landings has
tumbled in the last few years on the
back of the recession. Brazilian personal
trainer Cau Saad says the city’s
landscape is changing. “It has been an
incredible opportunity, elevating mind,
spirit, body, almost touching the sky,”
she told The Financial Times.

Island hopping
How about this for extreme SUP Yoga?
A British couple completed 120 miles of
paddle boarding around the Greek Islands,
using only a yoga mat for a bed, and
saving money on their summer trip by wild
camping and fishing for food. Jay Haysey,
32, and Bethany Mercer, 26, both from
the Isle of Wight, carried little more than
a backpack each during their two-week
journey. They recorded their experiences
in a journal with random phrases which
included ‘yoga’ and ‘adventure’ among
others. A great way to experience true
freedom, and an amazing yoga workout
for those abs.


om beginnings om beginnings


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