OM Yoga UK - August 2017

(Greg DeLong) #1


Yoga Recharge

Clive Fogelman presents a simple end of the day
sequence to ease aways those tensions

  1. Mountain Pose

Standing at the top of your mat. Feet together or hip distance apart –
whatever is more comfortable. Arms either side of the body. Take a few
moments to connect with the feeling of the feet on the ground and let
the breath come into your body. Wish yourself well.

2) Shoulder Rolls
When you’re ready you can begin to roll your shoulders. Start by going
backwards and make the rolls as small or as big, as slow or as fluid as
feels right for you today. After a few rolls in one direction, switch and
roll the shoulders the other way. Come back to stillness for a breath.

This yoga sequence is for the end of the working day and to release any stresses or tensions
that have accumulated in your body. Maybe you’ve been sitting for long periods or just been
very active and now you want to relax into your evening or prepare for a good night’s sleep.

There are three main sections: Starting with some standing postures, moving though postures
on all fours and finishing off supine. Feel free to adapt the postures in any way you want or need
to and if you have your own variations you can incorporate those if you wish.

3) Shoulder Stretch
Bring the hands behind the back and interlace the hands. Draw the
hands away from the lower back, moving as far as feels good. Lift the
chin and gaze. Find a space where you can breathe fully into your body.
After several breaths release the hands to the side of the body and
shake it out, any way that feels good to you.

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