OM Yoga UK - August 2017

(Greg DeLong) #1

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5) Forward Fold
Take a soft bend in the knees, tuck the chin in slightly and roll down
into your forward fold. Come down as low as feels appropriate for
you. You might prefer to have your feet together or hip distance
apart. You might like to keep a little bend in your knees, particularly
if you have tight hamstrings. Keep the neck long and shoulders
relaxed away from the ears. Hold for about 5 breaths, moving within
the pose as you wish.

  1. Half Moon Side Stretch

Bring the hands together, interlace the fingers, point the index fingers
up and inhale to raise the arms above your head. Exhale to bend to
the one side, keeping the arms roughly in the line with the ears and
pressing through the outside edge of the outer foot. Maintain space on
both sides of the body. Hold for around 5 breaths on each side. Take a
little shake and prepare for your forward fold.

8) Half Dog
Walk the hands forward, placing them shoulder width apart. Release
the head and chest towards the floor choosing either to keep the ears
in line with the arms or releasing the forehead all the way to the floor.
Draw the hips back and enjoy a melt between the shoulder blades as
you work through the shoulder-opening qualities of Down Dog without
the distraction of your hamstrings.

  1. Cow Pose & 7) Cat Pose

Step back to all fours, lower the knees to the floor, shoulders over
wrists and hips over knees. Take a full breath feeling the connection
of your hands, knees and feet to the ground. Inhale to extend
the spine into Cow Pose. The belly dips, chest lifts, and the gaze

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is forward or even up. Exhale to round the spine into Cat Pose,
gazing in towards your navel. Flow between Cat and Cow Pose for
approximately 5–8 breaths.
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