Competitor - August 2017

(Barry) #1
training 47


Single-Leg Bobs
This variation on the basic bob
develops balance and stimulates the
proprioceptors—a must for runners.
Starting position: Stand on one leg
with a long spine.
Action: Bend your standing knee and
lower your tailbone slightly before
straightening your leg again. Do this
as quickly as feels natural. Keep a long
spine, and make sure your foot feels
firmly rooted into the ground.
Duration: 15 seconds on each side
What to avoid: Letting your knee
drift to the inside or outside

Runner’s Posture
This activates the postural muscles
specifically needed for running.
Starting position: Stand upright
with your feet hip-width apart. Hold
your arms in a running position.
Action: Keeping a long spine, let
your whole body tip forward until
you feel your weight shift to your toe
mounds. Once you’re in this position,
move your arms rhythmically, the way
you would if you were running.
Duration: 30 seconds
What to avoid: Losing the length
you have created in your spine

Runner’s Tree Pose
Inspired by a yoga pose, this is
adapted specifically for runners.
Starting position: Stand on one leg.
Action: Raise your hands above your
head, and bring your palms together
with your index fingers pointing
straight up. Open your elbows back
to bring them in line with your hands,
shoulders and ears. Push your hands
upward as you extend your spine.
Duration: 30 seconds on each side
What to avoid: Letting your head fall
backward, rounding your back or
losing the alignment in your spine

Excerpted from Run Better: How to Improve Your Running Technique and Prevent Injury by
Jean-François Harvey, published by Greystone Books (March 2017). Condensed and
reproduced with permission of the publisher.

your running
form with these
short hill

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