AsiaSpa - July-August 2017

(ff) #1
70 AsiaSpa July/August 2017



trip to Gwinganna Lifestyle
Retreat is about self-discovery,
a journey that begins as soon as
you set foot on its mystical earth, nestled
deep within the lush foliage of Queensland’s
Gold Coast hinterland. Even filling out the
arrival questionnaire was a revelation, and I
surprise myself with the results. The ‘Triple S’
programme is designed to facilitate a better
understanding of the relationship between
sleep, sugar and stress, and how just one
thrown off kilter can hinder our response
to situations effectively.
With almost double the amount of boxes
ticked in the ‘stress’ column it becomes
clear which element of the well-being
equation needs attention. My aim for the
days ahead will be restoring balance in my
routine, including a digital detox to just ‘be’
instead of ‘do’ which has become such an
all-consuming part of the modern lifestyle.
If you are looking for five-star luxury, this
is not it. Rustic, homey and charming are
better ways to describe the accommodation.
What is five stars is the knowledge, wisdom
and enthusiasm of the staff. The group
setting makes it feel a bit like camp for
grown-ups, and at the end of the four days,
it’s almost impossible not to leave with new

As one of the only international guests on
the programme, I arrive earlier than most
Aussie guests, and am whisked to the
spa immediately for Mala Mayi, the ideal
antidote to hours spent sardine-like on a
plane. Australian LI’TYA products are used
for body rituals. Designed to rejuvenate, it
begins with an exfoliation using Australian
desert salt and aromatic oils, presented
on a tray so you can select the one that
appeals most.
A mineral-rich body mud wrap follows,
and while the idea of being enveloped in
thick towels and layer upon layer of product
may seem a little claustrophobic, the zing of
the menthol counterbalances the snugness
of the cocoon, while a scalp treatment
comprising indigenous ingredients soothes.
After showering the delicious concoction
of native plants, flowers and fruits off, I
am slathered with nourishing moisturiser,
diminishing any plane-induced dryness
from the journey.

I sit next to the delightful Sharon Kolkka,
general manager and wellness director, at
dinner, spellbound by her story of being an
impatient and results-driven, and her steps
she has made towards becoming a peaceful,
accepting one, now capable of quietening
a chatty mind. The person she used to be
reminds me a lot of myself.
It’s made more evident as I find myself
hiding at the one spot on property with Wi-
Fi, while everyone else retires to their rooms
for the night as I relish a last (for tonight
anyway) dip into virtual reality. Liquid-only
diet? Fine. Three hours of exercise? No
problem. But take away my only connection
to the outside world and I apparently fall
apart at the seams...
Despite the verdancy, blue skies and
crisp air, I have a feeling this is going to be a
challenge. Every element of the programme
has been designed to encourage living in
the moment – no schedule for tomorrow, no
alarm clock, no Internet – a planner’s worst

nightmare, leaving everything to chance.
Returning to a room with no television to
offer comforting white noise, and absence
of YouTube as a back-up option, makes the
silence deafening.

It’s still dark when I hear the knock at my
door. It’s about the personal touch here, no
wake-up calls, and volunteers are tasked

Afternoons are a time

for guests to bring the

focus inwards in

what Gwinganna likes

to call ‘Dreamtime’,

an opportunity to slow


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