- University Reputation
Concerning the three variables measuring university reputation, namely“Type”,
“MOE”and“ARWU”,“TYPE”and“ARWU”have positive impacts on research
efficiency, and the impact of“Type”is significant at 0.05 level, reflecting the HSS
research efficiency of 985Us is much higher than that of non-985Us. The slope
coefficient of“MOE”is negative with no statistical significance, implying that
MOE-administered universities tend to have lower efficiency than those universities
not under MOE administration. The underlying explanation for this observation might
be that, MOE-administered universities are more capable to obtain research funds
from the government, and their allocation of research resources are less competitive,
contrarily, those universities not under MOE administration have to improve their
research efficiency by themselves, facing the limited research resources. Internal Factors
- Demographic Structure of University Staff
Concerning the demographic indicators, the slope coefficient of“FePerc”is also
negative. This is consistent with the results of NEAM disciplines. The underlying
reasons may be that, female staff have to take care of children, senior people, and do
more housework, so they tend to under-perform male staff. However, in order to
carry out further researches we could consider the differences on the structures of
disciplines and staff.
- Human Capital Structure of University Staff
Concerning the indicators of human capital structure, the slope coefficient of
“TitPerc”and“DocPerc”are both positive, while“DocPerc”is statistically sig-
nificant at 0.01 level. These imply that a typical university can improve its research
efficiency by improving human capital level.
6.2.5 Further Discussion on the Empirical Results............
Based on results of Tobit models above, it’s easy tofind that the same indicator
system of research influencing factors tend to obtain different results in the samples
of NEAM and HSS disciplines. Therefore, in the next step, we will have a further
discussion separately on those factors having the same impacts between NEAM and
HSS disciplines, and those factors have different impacts. A note should be made
here is that, in this chapter we use DEA-Tobit method to examine the influencing
factors of NEAM and HSS research efficiency. NEAM and HSS research activities
operate in different production modes, resulting into the different factors that might
impact on their efficiency. Bear this in mind, the analysis and discussion of the
results should be based on their different features.
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