Forbes Asia — October 2017

(Marcin) #1


China Construction Bank (CCB) continues to
evolve its business and deliver a solid finan-
cial performance. Its recent results demon-
strate the bank’s commitment to serve its
customers, work for China’s real economy,
adapt to technological changes, strengthen
compliance operations, reduce risk and
accelerate its transformation both domesti-
cally and overseas.
As of the end of June, CCB’s total assets
amounted to RMB21.69 trillion (US$3.31 tril-
lion), an increase of 3.5% since the end of

2016, and its net profit for the first six months
of the year was RMB139 billion (US$21.2 bil-
lion), up 3.8% year-on-year. Annualized
return on average assets was 1.3% and
annualized return on average equity stood
at 17%; the bank’s total capital ratio and
common equity tier-1 ratio were 15% and
13%, respectively.
CCB responded to the liberalization of
domestic interest rates by expanding its
customer base and strengthening product
innovation, thereby increasing its net fee

and commission income by nearly RMB900
million (US$137.3 million) year-on-year.
Meanwhile, gross loans and advances to
customers increased by 6.4% and deposits
rose by 5.7% since the end of 2016. Improve-
ments to cost management and its expense
structure meant that the bank maintained a
stable cost-to-income ratio of 22%.
The bank continued to turn information
technology and product innovation into
drivers of development. In the first half of
2017, it set up the Inclusive Finance Division

The development and transformation of China Construction Bank is rooted in
the real economy and managed by rigorous risk control.



Head office in Beijing
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